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custom textures


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How do you make custom textures? I made a darker orange one by doing it in paint and saving it into the gamedata/base/textures/homedepot folder, and I got it in Radiant.


I tried the same except putting it into the .../gamedata/base/textures/CM


It didn't work. I get a cm texture list, but there is nothing in there.

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Make sure your textures are all JPEGs or TGAs. Also make sure that the size of them is a power of 2 (i.e. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, etc); all this means is that you must've resized them with an image editing program so they are 256x512, 512x512, 1024x1024, etc.


Also, if you want to see your custom textures in-game when you compile your map, you have to pack them in a .pk3.

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Yes, it can be any combination of those, so long as it's a power of 2. But 8x16 wouldn't look very good. When it comes to this game, the bigger the textures are, the better they look. So if you can get something hi-rez at 1024x1024 or 512x512, it'll look that much better.

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