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vote 4 ur favourite game-style

Smuggle Bunny

ur fav MI game-style  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. ur fav MI game-style

    • MI 1
    • MI 2
    • MI 3
    • MI 4

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I liked MI1-3 because of the point and click way of getting around. Out of those, I probably liked MI3 the best because of the inventory. I didn't like the on-screen commands (push, pull, etc.). As for the way the game looked, MI3 as well. The only thing I liked about EMI were the way the backgrounds looked and the little movies where you don't control Guybrush. (what are those called again?)

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It has to be said, that LeChuck's Revenge is the best Monkey Island game to be released on the seven seas. It was the most darkest mysterious one of the lot of them and had a hell of a lot of atmosphere at the time of it's release. 11 floppies seemed quite silly at the time mind you, but it was all worth it!


I still think Monkey Island 3 & 4 are very good though and I think some people give those games a hard time. Although they're not quite in the same style they're still fun games to play. The ship to ship combat in the 3rd one was fun, and althought the 4th took a totally new angle on gameplay, I still personally think it was a fun game to play.


Overall though, Monkey Island 2 was fantastic, one thing that was sorely missed from that game though was the great insult sword fighting from 1. But hey, nevermind ;)

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True... the sword fighting was already covered in SoMI, but I think it would've been good to also feature it in LeChuck's Revenge, as it was one of my favourite parts of the game in SoMI.


Maybe some differences could've been made to make it more interesting and/or harder in LeChuck's Revenge. Was just a thought.


I'm not sure if anyone knows, but you can make your own style SoMI adventures at http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk - check it out if you haven't heard of it, I'm guessing a lot of you already have though ;)

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