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Who knocked H T Marley into the whirlpool?

Punky Pirate

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Right, I may be wrong but I think there's a big bugger-up as to who sent H T Marley into that whirlpool off the coast of Australia in that ship race he was in.


LeChuck claims to have done it to him in CMI but H T Marley reckons it was Ozzie Mandrill that did it in EFMI. Who's lying? Or is it just a complete mess-up?


Also, this might seem dumb, BUT... when you look at the diorama of H T Marley in the Carnival of the Damned it looks nothing like Herman Toothrot, could this be down to nobody remembering what H T Marley looked like or what?

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Punky Pirate- Replying to your post, I don't really remember any time in CMI when LeChuck said anything about pushing H T Marley into the whirlpool, and as for the drawing it didn't look anything like H T Marley because it was supposed to be a long time ago. Remember- The first MI was made... well, a long time ago. Or maybe the picture is different because he isn't that talented when it comes to art.


Yoghurt- replying to your post, same thing here. I didn't get what was up with Marley being on Dinky, who knows how on earth he got there. Second of all, I don't think Dinky was supposed to be like Monkey Island at all. Except for the fact that Big Whoop was supposed to be the gates to Hell and everything along with the Carnival of the Damned and H T, Monkey Island doesn't really seem like it has anything to do with Dinky Island. The whole jungle and the water distill and all that stuff made it even seem less like Dinky Island. I really don't think it is, cause now that I think about it, I believe there was a sign that said "Welcome to Dinky Island", unless somebody before the cannibals decided to call it Dinky Island. HOWEVER, if you look back into EMI, the map said Dinky Island on it somewhere, and there was no Monkey Island, and you'd think that the map would be up to date. THerefore, Dinky can't be Monkey Island, unless, of course, Monkey Island is still unheard of, even though Guybrush talks about it constantly, and the Dinky seems even more obscure than Monkey Island. So really, I guess it could go either way. :rolleyes:

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LeChuck didn't actually PUSH H T Marley into the whirlpool but he claims he sent him in there. Play CMI again, get to the bit where Guybrush is encaged with all that dynamite while Elain is tied up and LeChuck is talking to him. Ask LeChuck about it and you'll see what I mean.


He says something about torturing H T Marley and that H T said 'Stop, you're killing me!' etc. - Elaine gets irrate about it.

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Oh. Well, then, maybe Ozzie did do it, but LeChuck had Ozzie working for him, so technically they both knocked him into the whirlpool. Then, in EMI, the reason LeChuck had been working for Ozzie is because they had an agreement that since Ozzie did somthing for LeChuck, LeChuck had to do something for Ozzie, which was to help with the Ultimate Insult stuff in EMI.

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Originally posted by Yoghurt

There is also said something about HT in MI-2, can't quite remember it though,


Wat makes me wonder somehow...

Dinky Island... Is that something like monkey Island or something? I mean, Herman is there and all...


I didn't understand :rolleyes:


*Sigh* I said it before and I'll say it again: Remember those tunnles that went underground in MI2? At the end, when LeChuck puts on that curse and they're in Big Whoop, they're on Monkey Island. Herman got shipwreaked in MI1 )after Guybrush takes him to Melee) and landed back on Monkey. He went to the part of the island where the curse was going to take plase and fell in the tunnles. When he got out, he was on Dinkey Island.

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