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OmniMOD, my next project will take the best pieces of JediPLUS and remove the rest. It will streamline the code, making it far more stable, etc.. I am going to also be talking to the creators of ForceMOD not for integration, but insight on how to code certain things since they have had more experience with the force code than I have.

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I applaud your effort BOFH, but when are we going to see something original from you?


To be honest, I've never had any real kind of beef with your mod - the only problem I ever had was you passing it off as some new concept...when in fact it was just pieces of other people's mods crammed into Dest's.


You say you have good coding ability...let's see some. How about putting out a quality mod that everyone can use, instead of the same tired rehashes we have seen in the past?


Here's another tip: if you make a mediocre change such as "memory leaks" put it in a patch. Patches are smaller, they are easier to do, and they prevent people from having to download something new every 3 days. On top of that, people don't need to download all the hilts and models and sprites all over again just because you fixed one thing. That's complete common sense there.


And finally, be open to criticism. If you act stubborn all the time, you'll never understand the difference between a good idea, and a necessary idea. Here's an example:


Good idea - Jetpack.

Necessary idea - Better saber combat.


See what I mean? You need to learn to differentiate between what makes this game challenging, and what makes it silly. The route you were previously taking with JediPLUS probably would have had people having pie fights by 5.1 - and don't get irritated and pissy because I said that. It's constructive criticism. You think people have never torn anything I have done (or anyone else for that matter) down before? Wake up and smell the roses man. If one person doesn't like it, that's one thing. If thousands don't like it, who cares. If it's something you truly like for yourself, keep it to yourself. If it's something useful for everyone, and not just for your own amusement, then put it in. It's logic.

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Well im gonna need a lot of help with this one... As i have barely any experience with the code in the force area.. Id like to add the extra levels of force (for some powers) as per forcemod, but also the ability to be bi-sided. I wanna remove grapple completely, same with teleport. id like the admin commands to be a lil more complex, and i like the idea in DUEL_SE that duelists cant see u, you cant see them and they can walk thru u and vice versa.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

Chill? Did you see either of us arguing? I have a right to constructive criticism. The way BOFH is talking, it seems as if he is finally ready to release a quality mod for the game. Otherwise, I didn't see and have not seen any flaming take place.


I think I speak for Wudan, when I say...Dude, quit being such a SOB. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism involves not being negative ALL the time and not making personal attacks. You've been riding BOFH's ass since the whole JM naming incident. Hell, I've seen more BOFH bashing out of you than Remark 666!


He's just trying to let people know what he's doing with JediPlus and the first thing you do is come in and whine about how "unoriginal" he's being. Hell, 95% of all mods ARE unoriginal, but that doesn't mean they can't be made if someone wants to make them. (I'm not trying to imply that JP is "unoriginal".)


In summary,

Chrono, just chill, bro.
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...I've gotten nowhere near the amount of bashing that Remark got to razor. As I recall when you first arrived here, you were doing nothing but defending BOFH since he had problems with Dest...way BEFORE JediPLUS was even made.


I'm not "bashing" anyone. And if you count the time that BOFH started threatening my friends and talking **** about a backdoor code in his mod, that was in defense.


I don't need to chill, I am being realistic. There comes a point in time when you just get sick to death of hearing people kiss someone's ass so badly just because they want to see something done.


When you get back to the real world, you'll realize two things:


1.) Things take time

2.) Ass-kissing takes away your pride


After that, you will come to the realization that this is a dying game...and will probably be dead by the end of next year.

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Not being defeatist at all. Quit warping my words. There is a difference between attitude and explanation. If you are reading everything I am saying as attitude, sorry.


And I'm not making personal attacks. It's fact. You were defending BOFH from day 1, even when it was obvious what kind of person he was being. What does that mean? Easy. You've never had a reason to dislike BOFH or any of his mods. Most of us can't say that. Now stop the damn arguing, all I really want to see is what BOFH says he can do.

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crap your pants guys but don't get this thread closed again!


i noticed 2 good things about BOFH:


1. he asks the community what to put in his mod, instead of working secretly on a neverending mod.


2. he likes our mod (duel_se) HEHE!


but there are some problems with the saber combat and it is about time we do something about it. we can't ignore this issue further and keep adding useless features. so better get everybody up and try to learn about the saber combat system and how to improve and fix it!

check this thread on a major flaw in the ghoul2 code:


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Thank you NITEMARE. Sorry, I'm not the type of person who makes what he says clear. All I was saying was let's see what he can do. That's New Jersey for "Good luck". Just because I've been his biggest critic doesn't mean I'm not interested in seeing what he can do.


I'm naturally interested in seeing how people use their potential. That's where my interest in human psychology came from. If he is as optimistic and good as he says he is, then let's see what he can come up with. If that's not English enough for "let's give him a chance" then you need to leave the damn country.

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Wudan; actually my intent is to remove parts of the mods from JediPLUS.. thats streamlining the code... Then adding parts..... Though I do want parts of Duel_SE and ForceMOD, there are parts i want in JediPLUS that are original.. (Possibilty of using force of 2 sides... etc). JediMOD 1.2 will still be at the base of it however, as I have found that it makes the base for the best mods when bugfixed. JediPLUS was for EVERYONE, including the little kiddies who were like OOOH I WANNA TELEPORT, OOH I WANNA TELEFRAG. OmniMOD will be more for the hardcore JK2 Gamer/Jedi.

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hm i am not sure about what jaii der herr sez about releasing the code, so we will have to see about that. and further more i doubt that the force mod author will give u his code. that's how i see the current satus of trust and cooperativity in this community.

then there is one thing that won't work: hardcore gamers and jedimod. most people still play basejk. leagues have no mods installed. i am working on a league that uses duel_se, then it will be established. but it doesn't change saber sombat to much. just some damage tweaks for specials and backstabbs, to make it easy to adapt to it. jedimod however still is known as a fun feature mod and not to be taken seriously. so u will have to get a league to use your mod as a basis, then mabe more people will take it seriously. i think most people share my oppinion: jedimod no thanks. and i didn't even start on jediplus yet! which seems to include even more usesless stuff (for a serious daily turnament) on the one hand, but adding some usefull features on the other hand which have been missed in jedimod.

i once thought about installing jediplus on my servers, but then i thought about what feature i could actually add without disturbing most of the players including me. in the end i would have turned every option off that this mod is known for. i know that having just one normal saber is not exciting enough for some of you but i am going for the options we've got. there is one major reason why jedimod is not working as a serious pro gamer mod: new animations which are not possible rightnow and better gameplay. hmm that reminds me of pro mod which i have not checked out yet. this mod is a more serious aproach...

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I grin now.


Ok, kids, sorry for the mellow act, I just thought I'd casually slip out that it'd be best for everyone if a few of us combined forces, made some comprimises, and released a cool Mod.


Kenn Hoekstra said, "The industry is long past the days of the lone wolf programmer." - I just think Mods need to start acting like game companies in order to produce work on a more professional level.


Didn't mean to bruise egos.

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No arguement there.


But there are a lot of difficults in doing such a project.


Frankly, most modders are incompitent. You'll always end up with 50 people on the team and 5 people that actually do the work. My team for Masters of the Force grew to over a dozen and then rapidly shrunk to it's current size of about 4 people (with 2 people actually doing the real work.) It's very frustrating and needs to be considered for any proposed "uber-project".


Secondly, there are too many approaches to the same "problem". While the game is quite fun, it's not very realistic in comparison to the movies. The saber system is very arcadey and depends on unbalanced "specials" to get anything done. The whole system isn't very uncondusive to tactical gameplay. As such, almost everyone complains about the system eventually. Everyone has a different way of making the system better but they all fall into three catagories:


1. Don't CHANGE ANY of the basic system; Just add additional features to the game. (JediMod)


2. Change some of the basic system (Promod and the CSC system)


3. Radically or totally change the basic combat system (Masters of the Force)


As you'll notice, I'm in catagory three, which is the most liberal of the three catagories. I feel that the basic combat system is "flawed" in the way that:


1. The saber combat needs a total overhaul to make it more close range attack/defend based and less running at full speed swing wildly.


2. A nice, simple, streamlined experience system needs to be set up to prevent the current situation where all the characters are at the EXACT same overall skill level.


3. The game still needs SOME element of random number generation to allow players to play jedi in real time (since real people obviously can't react as quickly or with the same amount of skill as a Jedi in SW). A player of any skill level should be able to boot up the game and at least FEEL like they're playing a Jedi character.


4. That the Force Powers are unrealistic based on what we see in the movies. And, finally, "unbalanced" skills need to be allowed and balanced out by a score adjust (So Jedi/Sith are the truely powerful killing machines that they are.)


5. All weapons should have realistic damage. A character in Star Wars can't realistically expect to be able to take a blaster bolt to the face and "walk it off". To offset this, players needs to be given the ability, ether automatically or manually, to be able to dodge a saber swing or blaster bolt like any Jedi or people acting on reflex. (I suggest automatic since you're only using a keyboard and mouse to control your character.)


My mod seeks to impliment those changes and I'm willing to work with any compitent mod team or individual that feels the way that I do.


In conclusion, what really needs to be done is make THREE ubermods consisting of all the compitent individuals that believe in each school of thought.

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I also think we should create a more SW like feeling within a mod. Where a jedi is a jedi and not a stupit man with a lightsaber.


Creating a SW feeling will make a Quake like gameplay impossible ( at least if you want jedi's in it ). The result is the need of rewriting manny parts of the code.



I want to create something like you mentioned in your post. Perhaps we can work together on many parts of the code. That would probably help both mod teams alot.

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Possibilty of using force of 2 sides... etc


Erm, pardon me if I'm wrong but doesn't forcemod already do this?


And also another tiny detail- Whats original here? You want to take bits of duel_se and forcemod.. this will all be cool coupled with your mod.. but what are YOU doing?


Oh and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of those black sabers

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