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Is it possible to lock a func_door?


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I have a council meeting room in my map that is only accessible from an elevator. There's a trapdoor (func_door) on the top of the elevator shaft that is set to START_OPEN so you can get in, and has a switch in the council room that triggers the door closed. Now... the purpose of this is to lock unwanted people outside the room to let us have a meeting in peace. But the trapdoor is pointless unless I can somehow get it to stay shut. Can anyone please tell me any possible way to make a door stay closed until you trigger it again to reopen.

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I have similar question...I want to make a bridge that can be toggled from an extended position to a retracted position. I tried with two func_doors and the key wait -1, which according to the useles Radiant entitiy description means the door will never return to it's original state, and targeting a button to the bridge. It didn't work. :) I tried messing with func_trains, still can't make it work. Anyone knwo how to do this?

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UNFORTUNATLY this cannot be done in MP.


THough the toggle value is MENTIONED in the func_door writeup for MP, there is no checkbox for it. At least, not that I've seen. Now, I THINK you could get similar results using a func_train with the toggle switch checked, as I think IT has it in MP... but for a func_door? DOesnt work, so far as I was able to try.

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