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200 feet hole. gb started wailing, "Oh, god, im really screwed: elaine thinks im gay, wally is blind and stuck in the jail full of horny pirates, im stuck in this 200 feet hole and this pencil is really annoying him." Then he heard, "guybrush? is that really u?" "who's there?" he replyed, and the voice answered: "Y, ITS ME...

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next morning he woke up with hangover, his head was hurting as hell and he couldnt even open his eyes. When he finally managed to open them, he saw that naked LeChuck laying by his side. He shouted "NOT AGAIN!!!" and then he turned to the camera and said: "see kids, thats y u shouldnt get drunk. Bad things could happen to u, for instance, in the drunken state, u could use your pants as a flag, just like...

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Dies of old age suddenly. Then, divorced, Guybrush traveled to Monkey Island, were Elaine was sunbathing. He went to the priest ghost and he said that Guybrush was forgiven for divorce, as he was under heavy kegs of Grog. So Guybrush grabbed Elaine and brought her to the church and married her. Then....

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And Inuyasha was standing there. i-inuyasha.gif

Guybrush, wondering how the heck a demon-dog could be in a Monkey Island story, asked "How the heck a demon-dog could be in a Monkey Island story?"

Inuyasha just walkied into the room then just realized it was the new moon that day ran away before he changed into a human.

That left Guybrush and Elaine very confused so they decided to investigate by not doing anything. Then the door broke again and standing there was...

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lechuck. he walked in with a pack o Trojans. He said, "Why didnt you use these? now ur gonna have a baby and im not gonna be able to kill you guys, because that would be unfair to the baby....so you are just gonna have to wait.....in the mean time....im gonna kill ......................................"

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ELAINE: *slaps guybrush* Guybrush, wtf wt heck r u talking about?

GUYBRUSH: hum, im not sure.

ELAINE: LeChuck, rnt u supposed to love me?

LECHUCK: oh, yeah, i forgot. Well, in that case, i ll just kidnap u again and leave this pack o Trojans here (wotever this is)

GUYBRUSH: wait a minute... no nm... no wait... yes... wait a minute, theres something wrong here: ...

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