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pig. This both frightened and confused Guybrush, as it also triggered his poor bladder control (that of a 90-year-old grandmother). Wet, yellow, and suddenly alone, Guybrush striped down to his birthday suit and began to weep. And he ran, he ran fast, and hard...determined to escape the heresy and cruelty of the evil pig-cit-pronged thing. As he looked aside him, he saw his evil twin, Guybrush122, doing the exact same thing. Gubyrush suddenly crashed into an utterly random wall and yelled....

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"OUCH! my balls!!"


Gb122 was lying on the ground,biting his lip and holding his broken balls in agony.

guybrush came closer to his twin brother...

and Gb122 whispered in his ears his last words...

"take my socks, you will need them on your journey...goodbye twin brother"...and so, with his last words, Gb122...

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version 2: but then the rope broke. guybrush sued the rope producer claiming that a rope that fragile could b an attempt against his life. he won the case and became a millionarie. he tryed to buy the world and expell every1 he ddnt like, but they laughed and just trew him on the sea. sitting all wet, crying, he suddenly felt a weird wiggling in his...

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