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Texture site


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Yea i've thought of htat before, finding pictures of walls/floors/doors/whatever else and making it into a texture(I dont have a digital cam). Although if you are going to take your own digital pictures you would probably want to edit them a bit, and make sure they were even because other-wise when the texture repeats it wouldnt line up correctly. Sounds good if you got a tripod and a level ;)



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Wy don't we make a new file site with textures? People can send there textures there. C'Mon let's face it.......without textures there can be no maps.....so let's make this site so people can show there textures made with hard work and.....stufff.......I don't think this is such a bad idea, and I'm not just saying that because I need textures..........well not entirely...........

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we could maybe ask sergio to put a texture section in there, and the only rule for putting the textures in your maps would be to give the author credit!? or we could do a angelfire or geocities or rocks.it site. who knows, we just might start :fett::deathstar {===THE TEXTURE REVOLUTION===}:deathstar:fett:

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we could maybe ask sergio to put a texture section in there, and the only rule for putting the textures in your maps would be to give the author credit!? or we could do a angelfire or geocities or rocks.it site. who knows, we just might start :fett::deathstar {===THE TEXTURE REVOLUTION===}:deathstar:fett:

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