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Custom Model Use?


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1) No, you can use them in single player mode...only multiplayer


2) If a multiplayer server is pure, then you can only use the skins/models/etc. the server host has in their base folder, and the other players in the server will be able to see ur custom skin/model/etc.


If a multiplayer server is unpure, then u can use ALL of the skins/models/etc. in ur base folder in the server, regardless of whether the server host has them or not, HOWEVER, the other players in the server will not be able to see ur custom skins/models/etc. if they dont have them.

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it's pretty easy, say you wanted to turn the new darth maul model into kyle in single player.


step one:


place the glm_maul_model.pk3 into your base folder. (note with this model the zip was named mp_maul_model.zip, the pk3 file was named glm_maul_model.pk3)


step two:


use winzip to extract the files from the glm_maul_model.pk3 and place them into an empty folder somewhere. (I've made a spare folder under lucasarts main folder called spmods)


step three:


note how many folders were extracted and how they are packed. with the glm_maul_model.pk3 it extracts with 5 folders named botfiles, models, scripts, shaders, sound.


step four:


the models folder is the one you want to change. click on it and you'll see a folder called players, click on that and you'll see a folder called maul. (there is an aayla folder there but nothing in it so delete it or just ignore it.)


step five:


rename the folder that says 'maul' to 'kyle'. so the folder should now read models/players/kyle instead of models/players/maul.


If you want mauls sound for kyle do the same thing to the sound folder you just did to the models folder. Find the folder that says 'maul' and rename it to 'kyle'


step six:


you can delete the botfiles, scripts, shaders folders if you want cause you don't need them for this sp mod you're making. The main thing to have at this point is the models folder (sound is optional extra) your models folder should look like this models/players/kyle. Use winzip to zip that models folder, call it models.zip or whatever.


step seven:


You now have a new models.zip (or whatever you named the zip), go to it and rename it to kyle_to_maul.pk3


step eight:


place your new kyle_to_maul.pk3 in the base folder and you're done. The next time you start a JO game kyle will be maul.


##NOTE## >> you have to start a new game or start a level from the map 'level name' command. If you load up a game that you were playing as kyle the lightsaber will stick out of mauls ass or some other strange thing will happen.


##NOTE## >> you can change the model of any character in the game by following the steps above but instead of naming the folder "kyle" you would name it to the character you wanted to replace. for eg: if you wanted maul as tavion the folder would look like this models/players/tavion

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"use winzip to extract the files from the glm_maul_model.pk3 and place them into an empty folder somewhere. (I've made a spare folder under lucasarts main folder called spmods)"


Okay... What is the purpose of placing the empty folder "somewhere"? I need to know, so I can understand if this folder is the one JO will be looking to for the new Kyle folder, or what. I'm a little confused, and I want to be very careful. :)



"note how many folders were extracted and how they are packed. with the glm_maul_model.pk3 it extracts with 5 folders named botfiles, models, scripts, shaders, sound."


Okay... So far, none of the pk3's I've downloaded have any folders within them. So does this mean I need to create folders for each one of those items, if I want to change them for the new model?

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I made a Jan Padme conversion for you.

Just download janpad.pk3 and put it into your base folder. You also need padme_geonosis.pk3 . If you don't want to use it anymore you only have to delete janpad.pk3 .


Here's what I did:

I opened padme_geonosis.pk3 with Winrar and extracted "models\players\padme_geonosis" to C:\ . Winrar will create these folders automatically.


Then I renamed the folder "padme_geonosis" to "jan" .


After that I opened the jan (former padme_geonosis) folder and deleted all files in it except model.glm , model_default.skin , animsounds.cfg and sound.cfg .


Finally I zipped the 4 remaining files, renamed the resulting zipfile to janpad.pk3 ( just change the .zip - ending to .pk3 ) and put the file into the base folder.



The guide in my earlier post was actually written by peloquin, I just pasted it . If you still have problems just send him a PM .

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I really appreciate the help. I hate being a newbie at this stuff!


Whats so frustrating is that I do 3D computer animation and 2D computer graphics, and do actually have a brain. lol And this stuff is so closely related to what I do, I'm eager to get up to speed so I can start using my skills to edit skins and meshes/models [if I DARE get that ambitious].


Of course on top of all that, I enjoy this game, and can't wait to enjoy more characters within its framework. :D


Thanks again! :)

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The files work great! Thanks! It was fun using Padme as "JediF", and watch her hop around kicking Imperial butt. lol


My next step is to successfully create these pk3 files myself. After that I hope to be able to make my own models and skins. That would be a ton of fun. I really like the way the creator of the padme model used an image of Natalie Portman's face. It turned out nicely! Thanks!

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