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Mounted weapons Q.


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Is it possible to make a machine gun , errrr, laser gun emplacement like in Return To Castle Wolfenstein, in Jedi Outcast.

the only guns I remeber like this are those ones with the chair in Kejim Outpost where you blast through the bases' door.


Is there any way i can make more of a mounted machine gun style laser blaster in-game without useing that LAME one Raven has.


I am not concerned with player animations, just is it posssible.

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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

Is it possible to make a machine gun , errrr, laser gun emplacement like in Return To Castle Wolfenstein, in Jedi Outcast.

the only guns I remeber like this are those ones with the chair in Kejim Outpost where you blast through the bases' door.


Is there any way i can make more of a mounted machine gun style laser blaster in-game without useing that LAME one Raven has.


I am not concerned with player animations, just is it posssible.

if the code for the gun isn't in mp, someone would have to code a totally new gun for a mod. it'd be cool to have the sort of gun the snowtroopers used on hoth. :cool:

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