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How to destroy a fortress(fed tactics)


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I have found a great way to take out fortresses.First, build 3 h/pummels and about 2-3 droideka's each, then 5 adv/fighters and 2 h/aa mobiles. load everythind into air tansport's then drop them in by the fortress. The pummels will tear it down,while droideka's take out mounted troopers. the fighters+aa units destroy air crusers and fighters/bommers.The airlift in workers and build a small, well defended base inside/near the enemy base, creating H/assult mechs and more droideka's. this will provide an easy way to destroy enemy bases


(this works best on 'fortress' maps) :bdroid1::bdroid2::bdroid1:

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Or if you go Republic...


Get a fair amount of Jedi Masters (15 at the least) with mind trick and walk up to the fortress. If there is a turret nearby convert it first. Then attack the fortress with your masters. It may take a while, but if a master is getting low on health from enemy attacks, get him to break off and set his stance to no attack. He'll just stand and heal, or better yet get him in the coverted turret (and have bacta tanks researched). Anything big and threatening that comes along you can convert, except bounty hunters which are pretty easy to take out with masters. Once the fortress is down convert some of his workers and build your own in it's place.


I admit I've only tried this against computers, it probably would fail against a human.

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Course if you're going to do that, you could just send one jedi master and 2 or 3 medics. So long as the master starts off closest, the fortress will only attack it and the medics will keep it healthy. Heck, I've even done this with a padawan. Course it was against the computer...



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i use the jedi mind trick research with the jedi masters, use an air transort to get them into an enemy base, destroy the transport, set the msters stance to no attack, then start converting stuff.


I have found this to be very good in disrupting a base.


I dropped 5 masters in on teh confederacy, converted a worker, shield generator and power core, then built a temple, and made loads more masters and tore the base apart from the inside...

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This only works on water maps, and works most effective with a sea power civ.

Build 15 or more adv. frigates, and at least 8 hvy. anti-air destroyers, and at least 5 advanced cruisers. Especially with ship techs, this destruction force is cheap. Attack their buildingsa and slow units from up to 19 range fro the sea with adv. cruisers. The frigates kill enemy boats (which there usaully is few of) and kill pesky workers. The anti-air should take care of a lot of air.


This task force can sit out of range of land units, and close combat land units are helpless (master conversion is not an effective tactic in this situation). And the enemy sea threat is sometimes nonexistant (many regard sea as near worthless, for this reason, this attack force is extremely deadly and very long-living).


I've had task forces last a long time, destroying dozens of buildings. Their civ kept shifting, i'd take out a section then move to a different coast for better range. The units will take some hits, like if they get too close to land, so send ships to revitalize the siege during it.


Destroyers are optional--only need them to kill enemy cruisers, which you could kill anyway.

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Yeah, Meditation almost goes without saying. But I agree that's my favourite tactic - convert everything! Sometimes I don't need the transport, I just wait until someone opens the gates and send my guys in. That way he's not expected anything.


My converting tactic goes like this: First I convert any turrets nearby as they are good at both defense and healing my masters. Then I get the sheild generator quickly followed by a power core to power it. This makes my master amazingly strong. Then rid yourself of any pesky fortresses - the only thing you can't convert. If it used to be under the shield you should leave it for a bit while the shield wears off. Next convert the rest of the power cores to slow production, then convert whichever building takes your fancy. I usually go for the troop center if I'm Republic, and with Kaminoan Cloners I can pump out an entire legion of repeater troopers in no time. If I'm Rebels I'll get their airbase, and convert any AA turrets before I pump out the bombers. Naboo unfortunately can't get Mind Trick, so I don't use this tactic with them. After that I'll convert which ever building produces their strong units - mech factory for most of them.

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Originally posted by Darth54


Yup, but by the time they get destroyed, the fortress will probably be a legend of the past:o

If you're only facing turrets, yeah. But if you're facing grenaders, assaults, jedi, bombers, AC's, mounties... well then the pummel supported cannons (and the pummels themselves) will be mincement before they have a chance.



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  • 2 weeks later...

why has this forum changed to "How to type in cheats"?


shouldn't you stay a little on topic...



Oh and back to the topic for me:



easy fortress destruction:


try air cruisers with fighter and bomber back up.


or the ground way TRY ATATS..... WITH DARK TROOPER BACKUP for destroying melee or trooper units.

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