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Tiny's hat


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I've been going from rock to rock!! I gave one parrot the groggoccino and the other the grog (my inventory actually said "wimpy grog" that I actually used). Is that my problem? (wimpy grog?) One parrot jumps/bobs all over from the caffeine and the other sways back and forth from the alcohol. The drunk parrot is the liar and visa versa. But at each rock, I'm told the hat is not under that rock. The directions are always the same........one time its East and the next time its North and it continues like this......I've been at it over an hour and am getting nowhere! I must be missing something. The pirate ship is about in the middle of the screen (opposite the rocks), and I'm aware of what is SUPPOSED to happen when I get to the right rock......I just can't seem to get there. I would GREATLY appreciate any help! I didn't save at EACH step (only here and there).....do I have to start from scratch? Thanks in advance. cmb

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also have a problem here. I found the rock, but then you must do the tricks with the 2 dolls. But when I do that, guybrush says he wont show the dolls because he's affraid that guy on the ship will fire at him or something (haven't play the game for months)


Can someone plz help me out?



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the hat issue was a problem from day one. are you sure you've done everything. what must happen in this order is that first you must talk to the guy next to the statue about the statue and the hat as well as about the ultimate insult. then talk to the guy who took the hat (don't ask me about names, i haven't played it in a while but i know this part well) about it. then do the thing with the parrots until you find it. only then can you use the lil' guybrush and lil' lechuck dolls.


this is the correct way to do thing, if that doesn't work, then no need to start completely from scratch. open a saved game from before that part but not at that part (i.e, your last saved game or the one just before you start looking or whatever) adn go form there. i understand it may take a while but that is reallt the best way to do it. hope this helps. :)

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Nah, don't worry - if you didn't talk to the guy by the statue you can go back and do it without starting over from an earlier saved game. Make sure that you've looked at both the statue, and the top of the statue (I think they're two different hot-spots - it's been a while since I played EMI), then talk to the dude standing next to it. Worked for me at least.

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Sorry, Remio, you didn't understand me, i meant that if everything i said to do doesn't work, then start again becuase there's most probably a problem with the game but going back and doing ti again should make ti run smoothly. don't ask for the pirotechnics behind this because i don't know them, but nine times out of ten this works. proving that this is a game where you need to constantly save otherwise you're going to be deeply annoyed at parts.


but i think you were right abut the other parts, i think there may be two different hotspots on the statue, i'll have to go back and look at that (if i ever get it to work in win XP:mad:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you're on the screen with the parrots and you use the parrot call, then it won't work. But if you're by all the boulders and you use it, it should work. Unless you didn't talk to Jumbeaux and the tourist guy by the statue.


For clarification-


First talk to the tourist guy about the hat. Then go to Jumbeaux and ask him about his dad, the hat and all that good stuff. THen go to the rocky beach and use the parrot call. Give one the wimpy grog (that's all) and ask one of them a question. You can tell the difference between the two every time cause one of them is swaying back and forth. Keep asking the truth telling parrot for directions, and when he says that you don't need to move or whatever, you're there. Then you should be able to use lil' Guybrush and Lil' LeChuck and Casaba with fling a cannonball at the boulder, breaking it, and then you've got the hat.



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