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The One Company... Square Enix

Sherack Nhar

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Oh my god. I'm surprised that so few people have heard of Enix before... especially you, Tie Guy!


They are (or rather, were) the #1 competitor to Square in Japan. The Dragon Warrior series is arguably as popular as FF there.


In fact, DW1 was the first traditional RPG on NES, and Square ripped off their concept for FF (although FF is MUCH better than Dragon Warrior IMO) :)


In the US they have maintained quite a low profile, but they did release a few amazing titles, like Star Ocean (thanks Clefo) and VALKYRIE PROFILE! Man that game rocks.


For those wondering, Dragon Warrior 8 is currently in development as we speak. I hope Square will influence the development in the graphic department, because DW's main weakness is its visuals.

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