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Promod 3.0 TFFA Test Tonight! Experienced Players Wanted!


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I learned a great deal in last night's CTF test. I'd like to do a similar test tonight with Team Free-For-All. Maps will be FFA_Yavin, FFA_ns_hideout, and FFA_ns_streets to begin with. If you've got an experienced team you can bring, or just yourself, then be ready to connect to irc.enterthegame.com in #promod again tonight around 7:00pm (EST, -5 GMT).


For those of you who participated in last night's CTF match, you will need to dump your old promodbeta3.pk3 file so that my server can autodownload you another one.


I'll be making a few minor code changes in light of some revelations from last night, so if you don't erase the old one, then your old files will fail the CRC check when you try to connect tonight.


I look forward to seeing you all tonight in #promod.

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Hey Artifex I don't know whether you remember me but I was with the avatars for a while under the name AV_RauTheConqueror and I started playing promod when it first came out with Laz and fatal and all those guys. Well I just got my computer back up and running after a severe powersupply problem and saw this 3.0 thread. You mind if I gather some of my new clanmates from the Obsidian Empire (4-0 in TWL) and stop on by tonight to check out the new 3.0 version? I absolutely worship the work you have been doing and would like to get my clan in to promod for when the final version comes out. You may be familiar with the obsidian empire frag shop as being one of the best Vanilla ffa server on the net for JK2 and if I can convince my clanmates that promod is the way to go then maybe we might be able to "influence" the regulars that frequent our server and boost the popularity of promod some. N e way I will check back in a little bit for replies. #promod is the IRC chat ? And what time will the server be up and running for this event tonight?

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Thanks to everyone who showed up tonight. The test went very well, as it did last night.


I've made some tweaks to the system based on my observations in the past couple of days. And everything seems pretty stable and balanced. There's a tiny bug or two i need to work on, but they'll be no problem to have done soon.


I'm anticipating the public release on Friday night!


Oh, did I mention that I've integrated jedi vs. gunner into the duel gametype? No? Did I mention that a gunner will spawn with any weapon that he has a level 4 skill for, along with a force field generator if he has level 3 gadgets and a seeker remote if he has level 4 gadgets? The force field generator also carries over to all other gametypes.

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So what did everybody think? How about the gunners and the clans -the two groups that it was said would have NO INTEREST in ProMod- what did they think?


Has Detritic played online yet? I'd be very curious to catch his reaction, since he was being pretty skeptical a while back (I don't mean that in a bad way. He obviously had concerns about it).


Of course, I haven't had the chance to try it out for myself. That's alright though. I'd probably make a pretty lame beta tester.


All I know about it is that the sounds that I SLAVED over for HOURS and HOURS for the Jetpak won't be included due to the way the Jetpak is setup to work! :swear: (I'm just teasing you, ArtifeX ;) Don't worry. You know I'm president of your fan club.:D ) Actually, I knew from the start that there was a strong chance that what I came up with wouldn't be appropriate. It's no problem at all. That's the risk of coming up with sounds for things you haven't been able to see in action yet. I'd still be happy to create something for you if you don't have anything else you're happy with.


But ANYWAY, lets hear from the beta testers! Inquiring minds want to know -HOW WAS PROMOD 3?????

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Originally posted by MMXP





Don't worry, as it says, this is only for Duel gametype. They'll still have to go and pick up their weapons in any other gametype. The free force field generator is for all gametypes, but the free seeker drone is also duel-only.

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Gametypes such as Jedi Master and Holocron DM are unaffected by the Promod changes. Their nature conflicts with the new skill system, so it's not implemented. In other words, in those games you can't set up your force powers, so you don't have access to the skills anyway. All players are given level 3 guns...though I don't remember if I gave them level 4 gadgets, which would allow use of the jetpack.

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Originally posted by PowerBroker

So, is the public release still on for today, ArtifeX? Or will it be in the near future?


I made my final balance adjustments today and tested with my usual beta testers. Promod 3.0 is officially done. I'll be writing up my readme files and changing over my official server to the Promod3.0 gamedir sometime tomorrow. Once that's done, my server's password will be removed and will be open to the public.


I'll be sending out news to all the major jedi outcast sites, along with some of the gamer news sites like shacknews and bluesnews. I'll also be putting a big fat post here in the Valley.


It's gonna take me a little bit to get the readme together and update the Promod site. The changes list alone is going to be prodigiously long. I'll try to post some general tactics guides, as the way the game is played has changed quite a bit with the new skill-based classing system.


I'll also be getting the Promod Media Pack together in the next couple of days, so that all the server admins will have a unified group of maps/models/skins that players can expect support for.


Now, to get some sleep...

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