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George Lucas has lost a letter!


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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

Im gunna stand up for Ackbar here... because all we do is follow the first post after the topic was posted... he simply tried to make a point...


I dont think its hillarious... but flaming isnt needed...


Play nice boys ;)


finaly somebody

who is not an ape

if the first post was:


hahaha, thats funny i did not compare them yet in this way :D


then the future was probely totaly difrend


so i am gowing back in time on 31 nov at 20:00

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NL I'm sorry I gotta say this but I'm afraid I do.


You see just because we all have the same opinion on something doesn't mean we followed the crowd.


And you seem to think that it does...


What it might possibly mean is that it's either beyond our sense of humor. (which is highly unlikely, sinse I laugh at EVERYTHING...just ask anyone)


Or it just isn't very funny.


I reccomend you rethink your ways of thinking.

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I get the joke, alright, its just not funny. Its just trying to say that those three movies are exactly the same, just with different settings, but it doesn't work because they're not.


Don't be upset just because no one thought your thread was funny, i doubt anyone here thinks i'm funny. :D


But seriously, Dash is right, just because no one thought it was funny doesn't mean that it was because the first person didn't like it. Please don't judge us by what the people at SW Fan thought. We don't have to be like them, that would just be following the crowd, remember?

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ok so i have never been nor will i ever be a crowed follower, i have may own thoughts on things and most of the time they are very differnt from other people...


And i don't see why that is funny...



If anything we should be pissed off at GL for not coming up with something origonal...



But wait, the problem is that GL and JRR both followed the classic hero model, which is why they both seem to be so similar.



And NL, you seem to be a disint guy and all, but it seems to me that you are the only ape here right now...


you fell that since people have think of it differnet then you that they most be stupid or following the "crowd" and call them names. Lighten up man.

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Yes, Ackbar.. You've got to realize that some people have different senses of humor than others. Their background, culture, and social influences change their sense of humor.


Perhaps our being "American" does change things, but every person has their own personality. You can't totally change that, even in a large crowd. :)

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

o wait amaricans....




You hate me because I live in a more powerful country, don't you?!?!?[/sarcasm]


sheesh, so we don't find it hilarious...geez...I thought it was interesting and hadn't really thought of it that way, but I didn't find it, as you put it, "totally LOL". Different opinions...

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

but eets


isn't it wierd that on a other forums everybody is totaly LOL


and here nobody likes it?


i fact thay totaly ther it down





o wait amaricans....




NL there are times that I can't believe how insanely wrong you are...and then there are other times where I can't believe how insanely wrong you are.


To be perfectly honest if someone said that in real life I'd probably end up laughing at THEM because that's exactly what the image is supposed to send. And IMHO that's not funny...and it seems that no one else here thinks it's very funny either.

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Originally posted by Clefo

Trust me, if I had thought it was funny, then you would have known


your the last person on earth i wil trust


and clefo you do not got it ...


its just a joke ;)


every body always folows the crowd on lucasforums


it was whit RCT 2

it was whit AOM

it was whit LOTR

and now its whit this

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Of course, insult us and then try to end the thread, i don't think so. If it was just a joke then why are you so upset about it?



Just to let you know, though,


I don't own RCT 2 and probably won't

I don't own AOM and definately don't want to

LOTR is one of the worst books i've ever read other than for school (and i'm not joking). The movie was pretty good, i saw it once or twice, but it was too long, drawn out, and boring for me, just like the book.



You know, you could have let the whole think die by just not posting.....

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Well said Tie Guy....much better said than my original response to that post...glad I didn't go through with it...


Anyway Ackbar I reccomend you get out of the little box you call your world and actually stop insulting people...well at least until you make sure it's work insulting over...

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Originally posted by DashRendar


NL there are times that I can't believe how insanely wrong you are...and then there are other times where I can't believe how insanely wrong you are.


To be perfectly honest if someone said that in real life I'd probably end up laughing at THEM because that's exactly what the image is supposed to send. And IMHO that's not funny...and it seems that no one else here thinks it's very funny either.


Look Dashrendar, if you have nothing better to post than "you are so wrong, you are stupid, you suck" then you might as well shut up!


Just because you don't think it is funny, doesn't mean that it isn't funny! And don't say that people are wrong when they only have another opinion than you. Personally, I think that it wasn't hilarious, but still funny. So I have another opinion than you. That doesn't mean I am wrong.


Clefo and DashRendar: Stop the flaming of NL_Ackbar or face the consequenses. What you do is extremely little mature.


NL_Ackbar: People aren't apes just because they they have a different sense of humour than you! But I must agree that it would have been quite different if the first posts were different. But I am a living proof that the crowd doesn't affect all.

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Just to clear this up, Gui-Gon:


IMHO = In My Humble Opinion


He said it was his opinion, what he was saying was wrong was Ackbar's opinion of him, which he certainly has the right to say is not true.


And i can say very matter of factly that it wouldn't have mattered if i posted first, second, third, or last. I still wouldn't have thought it was funny, no matter what anyone else said, and it probably still would have been the exact same words (unless someone had said them or something similar to them prior to me posting). So please don't say that it would have been different if the first post had been different, because you have absolutely no way to prove it and the people who actually posted and hold the opinion say it wouldn't have been.


Besides, if we all followed the crowd, none of us would be here. SW isn't exactly the most popular thing in High School. Neither is playing video games all the time, for that matter. So we certainly aren't here because everyone else is.



So please, i'm asking you, do not come here and try to incite some argument with dash or anyone (there's honestly plenty going on already). Don't falsely accuse people of flaming when they are just stating their opinion or refuting someone else's argument/insult, that itself is, to use your favorite word, a "flame". And that is especially true in this case, because you clearly have no idea what you (or Dash) are talking about.

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in 3 other forums everybody likes it

so i think you did follow the crowd


Tie guy you do not make any sence


and sw populary in school has nofing to do whit following the crowd in a sw forum topic on the internet :rolleyes:


and i am not playing games all the time!


i can deled this theard whit 1 clik


i think thats the best...


ya clefo what do you want

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