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Tale of a Warrior


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This is the tale of a warrior with a haunting past, one unfamiliar to those of Jedi Knights and Masters of the old days. He has no real name, therefore he is just simply called "Topshot." His tale begins on a desolate planet called Tatooine.



Many moons and sandstorms ago, this man who we come to know as Topshot, had walked into Mos Eisley Cantina, expecting to find a warrant poster of a demon who killed his parents and kidnapped someone very close to him.



He walked up to the bartender.



Bartender:"What can I do for you, stranger?"


Topshot:"I'm looking for this man."


*shows a decent enough picture of a tall, sturdy, buff-looking zabrac*


Topshot:"His name's Baruk De'schist. You have any information on him?"


the bartender, replying in a cold voice: "When last I heard of him, he struck down two villagers, and kidnapped one of two young children. Her name was Zenso Genshido Matsetsei, the last child of Morada'an, a planet well known for its warriors of legend."


Topshot:"Which planet was she shipped off to?"



The Bartender:"I believe it was the one of the last moons of a

world called Lenonbaan, the planet of fire and



Topshot asked, waiting for more data:"That all?"


Bartender:"That's all I've heard so far."


Topshot"Good. Thank you for your time to talk with me 'bout this. This, and the girl, are all I need to find."


*Topshot hands the bartender a holo-disk of a strange, dark weapon of mass destruction.*


The Bartender, sighing in disbelief:"Oh, Luke, no! This weapon, the MRK-82, can generate enough power to destroy an entire colony. WIthout the space colonies, the galaxy shall cease to exist!"


Topshot, in a calm tone:"I know. That is why I asked you about De'schists' whereabouts. I'm the only one who can stop that thing!"


The bartender:"Well, my friend, I wish you good luck on your journey. May the force be with you always."


Topshot, muttering under his breath:"I'm gonna need that luck if this rescue operation is to be successful!"


*Topshot walks outside the Cantina and spots a man near his ship.*


Topshot:"Hey! You there! Who are you? And what are you doing

near my ship?"

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  • 3 weeks later...




Thias walked up to Topshot, "Nice ship you got hear." He said as he stoped a foot in front of Topshot. Thias crossed his muscular arms across his buff abs, he wore no shirt only red pants. "You don't mind my snoopin do ya?" Thias stared his blue eyes hard into Topshot's.



[by the way, your guy doesn't know but Thias placed a tracking device on the back of your ship, and incase you find that one he planted another underneath a metal sheet on the botom of the ship, so find it or not there you go.]

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Cloaked Man: *Exits the cantina and steps beside both Topshot and Thias, and looks at Topshot* Good friend, I would like to help you. *Removes hood, revealing Craig's face (based off of Metal Gear Solid 1 Gray Fox)* I couldnt help hearing you at the cantina. *turns to Thias* whos this?

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*To Thias*: "No, I don't mind. Go right ahead!"


*To Craig*:"This is Thias. He's just looking around my ship."


*thinks for a moment*



Topshot:"Well, if you guys truly want to risk your lives, I guess

you could tag along with me. I could use the help! We

should probably go to my base on Sulon so we could

get some weapons and stuff."



((OOC: A Kass Spy will be overhearing me in the background.))


Spy:"I better report this to Lord De'schist."


*Spy runs off toward his Kass Interceptor and informs the Death Sector of the Kass Federation.*

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((OOC: Oh-kay..))


Jehuty rests in the atmosphere of the planet, awaiting the arrival of Topshot's ship.


ADA, Jehuty's Computer: Why you tend to stray from your quest to find your friend, I do not know. It seems, illogical.


Craig: Possibly, but might as well, I have been at a loss of his location. *Sits back and waits for Topshot*

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"Engines, check. Thrusters, check. Fuel pods, check. Han Solo keychain..........check. Ready for lift-off."


*The Dragon's Wing jets blazingly off into space.*


Topshot:"What type of fuel pods are we running, Thruster?"


Thruster:"AD luminum-type."


Topshot:"Switch to BC carbonoid quantum-type."


Thruster:"Loading......engines switching to BC carbonoid quantum-

type fuel pods..........complete."


Topshot:"Good. Let's head home for Sulon. I bet Jehuty's waiting

impatiently for us."

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As Craig waits, he munches on a bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's.


Craig: Eh, Topshot can take his time...


ADA: Don't drop it, or you will end up cleaning it.


Craig: Alright, alright. *Continues eating, finishes, then washes hands off* Oh-kay.. we've been over Sulon for 15 minutes, where is he?


ADA: It is illogical to keep asking yourself a question you do not know the answer to.


Craig: alright, I'll stop and wait.

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Topshot *speaking to Craig through commlink*:"I'm only about 50 miles with in range of Sulon. How's everything going over there?"



*waits a couple moments for Craig to respond.*


"I guess it's going to take a while for him to answer my call."



*Flash Back*


Young Topshot:"Father! Wait for me! I'm coming!"


Topshot's Father:"I can't. Imperial Corps says I cannot take you

on this mission."


Young Topshot:"But Father, why?"


Father:"This one is too dangerous for children your age. You

could get hurt or even die! Besides, your mother wouldn't

want me to tell her that our only son died. She's already

been in enough pain ever since we lost your brother."


Young Topshot:"My brother? But I thought I was the only

surviving child!"


Father:"As it turns out, you weren't the only survivor from the

attack on Alderaan."


Young Topshot:"Then who is my brother? Who, Father?"


Father:"I can't tell you, but you will find out soon in time. I must

go now."


Young Topshot:"Father.......WAIT! Don't leave me, Father! Don't

leave me!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


*end of Flash Back.*


*Present Time*


Topshot:"Craig! I've just landed on the outer regions of Sulon.

Meet me at the specified coordinates."


*Faxes Craig the coords*

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Up in Jehuty...


ADA: We are recieving a fax from Topshot.


Craig: We have a fax machine on here?


ADA: Uh...Just take it.. **paper comes out with the coordinates**


Craig: -_- *looks at the coordinates* *Responds to Topshot's transmission* Alright, heading to the coordinates.


Jehuty arcs and heads for Topshot's position

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*Topshot keeps waiting for Craig. Looks at his own ship.*


Topshot:"Gosh, they sure don't make ships like they used. My ship's completely outdated, but it still works. Well, I guess it's time......."


*Takes out a small control device and pushes a button. The ground begins to shake as the base begins to rise from out of the dust.*


Topshot:"There! Everything's ready. All I just got to do is wait for

Craig to make it here."

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-off topic= oh I forgot I wrote in this.

well so you know Thias didn't go with you, he doesn't just go off in strangers ships, you never know what kinda traps they could have in there ships, and you never go unprepeared into unknown teritoty.



back to the story:



Thias: "master I have done as you wished, he suspects nothing, in fact he suspects I suspect nothing, and does not suspect about the other thing, in fact he..." Thias is cut off by the wave of his masters hand.


Master: "Good job my servant, now we wait." An evil smile crept across his face.

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Topshot (to Craig):"How far are you from the checkpoint?"


*waits for an answer. A squadron of Kass Imperials nearby scopes out the territory.*


Kass trooper #1:"What's that coming from the ground?"


Kass trooper #2:"Looks like a base of some sort. Let's check it

out. Lieutenant Thias will want data on this."


Kass trooper #1:"True, but this base looks heavily armed. Looks

like its got a missile defense system, a sonic

disruptor shield, and a couple gun turrets.

Let's try not to get too close, or we'll trip the



*they move in closer, hiding in the deep bushes. One of them steps on a twig.*


Topshot:"What was that?"


*takes out a modified stormtrooper rifle.*


Topshot:"You there! Come out with your weapons on the ground

and hands in the air!"


*no reply. The troopers try not to make another sound.*


Topshot:"Hmm. Guess it was just an insect. Oh well......"


*keeps roaming around, keeping the base guarded while waiting for the others.*


Trooper #1:"That was a little too dangerous. Let's sneak in

through that door over there. I'll keep a look out

while you 5 sneak in."


*Two of these 5 unknown Imperials are revealed to be the revived souls of a younger Ikann, a stronger, deadlier, and stealthier Jefa. The other 3 are Zanma, Jefa's brother, who is a warrior with the ability to control time, an android clone of White Raider known as Sevred, who knows all of Raider's moves, and a half-human water dragon known as Cypherus, who can cause massive destruction with tsunami waves.*


Cypherus:"Hmph. This base will be easily overtaken by our

forces, and its utilities will be put to use for the Kass

Imperial Federation."


Ikann:"No. If you try to take over the base too quickly, you will

be annihilated by Topshot's hands."


Sevred:"What can he possibly do to us? We cannot be defeated!"


Jefa:"Noooooo, you are wrong. Topshot'sssss abilitieessss are

far too strong for you to handle, my padawan."


Zanma:"Just how powerful is this man, this Topshot?"


Ikann:"Far too powerful. He and my other enemies Craig and

WhiteRaider were able to overwhelm us in their last

encounter with my 'father.' He was destroyed by those 3

fools and they shall pay dearly for that mistake. Jefa was

the only one that survived that last battle and was able

to gather my father's cells from which he had created me."


Sevred:"Well, I guess it's a good thing that lord De'schist gave us

the coordinates to this place, or we would never have

been able to track Topshot down, so that you could

have your revenge!"


Jefa:"To true, I can tell that WhiteRaider and Craig are on their

way as I speak."

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