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breakable function question?


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Originally posted by wedge2211

they did it in ns_streets. in the bar. can't you make a small caulk/clip/nodraw brush into a func_breakable and add a tag for a model to also draw?


I tried it that way, everything was ok but the model and breakable brush appeared in different places. It didn't look too good if your shots hit an invisible box and a tie fighter model besides it disappears...

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Use misc_model_breakable. Select a model and click solid. Now it's clipped by the game so you can't walk through it. Yet, now it's also invinsible. Set a specific health (low one for a bottle, I think...) and you have a model that's solid, yet you can break it by causing enough damage.


And NEVER EVER try to change it's facing direction with the brush manipulation commands, as this leads to the symptons Lehik mentioned: it only turns the clipping while leaving the model in the old position (or vice versa). Instead, bring forth the entity window and use the angle (the buttons) to change the facing direction.

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