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How much of your style is based on the movies?

Guardian Omega

How much is your saber fighting style based on the movies?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. How much is your saber fighting style based on the movies?

    • 100-76%, don\'t like to use strategies that often.
    • 75-51%, Eh in the higher middle
    • 50-26%, Eh lower middle
    • 25-0%, mostly using tactics and I keep thinking of ideas to thwart my opponent.

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Are you the pure jedi/sith, who relies on your reflexes, intution and such, or the tactician, who relies almost purely on strategy.

If so, how successful are you with your style? (Actually the percentages are based on your mix. 100 means pure jedi style and 0 means pure tactician.) Jedi style is purely on reflexes and intution, while a strategist relies on tactics. The percentage means how much jedi or tactician are you.


(I just finished watching Episode I on FOX if you're thinking of why I made this question and I noticed stuff that made me ask this.)

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Cardo is correct... Except when it comes to Promod which helps balance things out. Though I don't really this question could truly be answered since you cant really fight like you would IRL, since control is so limited and there is no way that you can fight in JO like they do in the movies.. I've often wished you could... Heck I wish it atleast once every day, but I don't see that happening for a quite a while. So until then we can only dream

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heck a REAL game that really recreates the movie's style would have to be a virtual-reality one where you stand on the floor and hold a electronic "saber" in your hand and your movements are reflected on the screen. No matter wat, the mouse is still very limited because its movement is on a 2D plane ie. mousepad. To truly fight like the movies you need to play in a 3D environment.

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Originally posted by wassup

heck a REAL game that really recreates the movie's style would have to be a virtual-reality one where you stand on the floor and hold a electronic "saber" in your hand and your movements are reflected on the screen.


Thats what I was saying: We're a loooooooong way away from a game that would allow us to fight like in the movies.

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