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PROMOD MediaPak 1


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Originally posted by ArtifeX

I'm not too particular on what theme the maps use, other than that it follows the SW fiction


As of now our aim is to create diverse maps which aren't related to Star Wars. However if there's a need to have future maps take on a SW theme then I'm sure something can be arranged.


If any of you have experience coming up with saga maps, that'd be a huge help, as I'm going to try to support the Saga gametype in the next version.


We've only looked into the Saga issue briefly, it might be alittle difficult for us to start now, I'd really have to talk to the rest of the team before making this kind of descision.


I'll definetly let you know what our plans are.

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Just to let everyone know. The LIST in my first post is the ONLY list I'll be posting. I am making edits to keep it up to date. So, it should be pretty accurate. Accurate to the best of MY knowledge anyway...



Regarding the Star Wars content requirement:


It is certainly understandable to require the Star Wars theme. But it does generate a few thoughts.


What exactly qualifies as "Star Wars"? I am assuming this covers 'Expanded Universe' stuff -which to me is NOT Star Wars. What about Fandom stuff? Lord Rive is from a Fan Film, it's modeled after Star Wars, but it's not Star Wars.


Some maps are not Star Wars themed -they aren't 'themed' at all. Do they qualify?


What about maps like 'Matrix Dojo'? A fantastic dual map in every respect! It would be a pity to see it rejected.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

. Toonces' Kit Fisto model is already a guaranteed part of the pack, as is his Mace Windu (when completed).


You do realize that Kit Fisto is a 10 MB file? Less than a meg is dedicated to sound. I don't know how you plan to make it work within your overall file size requirments.

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I think as long as the map isn't blantantly non-star wars themed, it should be considered. Naturally, this will leave out some excellent maps (like matrix dojo), but so does setting framerate restrictions. I also think that playability should be considered more than appearance, especially in how it compliments the additions in Jedimod.


Edit: Btw, I hate to pimp work that I'm involved in, but the soon-to-be-released Jerec model would make a nice addition. I can email you a partially complete version if you're interested (its only missing the sound pack).

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas

You do realize that Kit Fisto is a 10 MB file? Less than a meg is dedicated to sound. I don't know how you plan to make it work within your overall file size requirments.


Actually, My Kit Fisto model is 1.5 megs uncompressed, that's just for ct_fisto.pk3 (default, and 2 team skins) There is no need to put the extra 8 or so skins and the optional sound pack into the media pack


Oh, thumbs up for Jerec, it's a great model :D

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I was just thinking about conserveing space, but the soundpack is something like 700kb's so it's still pretty small. Whatever Art want's to do is fine by me :) The rest of that 10 megs contains about 10 alternate skins for Kit but they all have their seprate pk3's. All you need is the ct_fisto.pk3 and the sound pack pk3 if desired.

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Originally posted by Toonces


Actually, My Kit Fisto model is 1.5 megs uncompressed, that's just for ct_fisto.pk3 (default, and 2 team skins) There is no need to put the extra 8 or so skins and the optional sound pack into the media pack


Oh, thumbs up for Jerec, it's a great model :D


Yeah, I'd like to see a good Jerec model. Hopefully one with a little more care taken than was done with the Yun skin. Maybe the idea behind Yun was to make it look like a JK character -graphical limitations and all- had just stepped into JO. Some of the sounds were pretty shoddy too -especially the stuff lifted from the cutscenes. It could have been done much better.


Kit Fisto's sounds are great! It wouldn't be Kit Fisto without them as far as I'm concerned. Also, in the notes you describe them as being funny. Maybe I missed something, because I thought they were pretty cool. Did you find them not to your likeing for some reason?


Also, I HAVE to ask this. What are LOD's? And why doesn't anyone include them in their models??? Apparently they are included with Fisto, but I can't tell the difference. What IS the difference??? And WHY should I care? <Correction> Why DO I care??? :confused:


By the way Toonces, I checked out your website and you've done some impressive work. I'd like to try my hand at model making some time. How can I learn more?

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas

Also, I HAVE to ask this. What are LOD's? And why doesn't anyone include them in their models??? Apparently they are included with Fisto, but I can't tell the difference. What IS the difference??? And WHY should I care? <Correction> Why DO I care??? :confused:


LoD's = Level of Detail. Madjai told me that they're good cuz when far away models wont cause so much lag and that they're a pain in the butt to make. Can't answer why you care though, sorry.;)

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Hey ArtifeX, I have a skin that could go into the media pack, but problem is I wanna make a bot for it but I don't know how to make it so that it ProMod will give it the correct levels of weapons and force or just weapons and just force. I was wondering if you could tell me how

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After chatting with Nutritious today, he asked if we ever played the CTF map "Bespin Towers" (I think that's the rignt name). He likes it because of all the crazy wall-climbing tricks he can do there.


Still, I haven't tried the map myself and don't know whether it's suitable for promod or just a kind of "trick" map. Maybe someone else could enlighten me... Detritic, didn't you make this map or something?

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Originally posted by Moradivh

After chatting with Nutritious today, he asked if we ever played the CTF map "Bespin Towers"


Bespin Towers is a cool map, but it has no BOT support. Such is the case with many a cool map, and CTF is REALLY lacking in this area!


PLEASE! If anyone here -within the sound of my printed words (?)- knows how to make good BOT routes, NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK UP! Your community needs you... :(

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Yes, I made Towers, and no, nobody has been able to make decent botpaths for it. If you want to try, you have all the resources you need in the towers download.


Personally I have yet to find a use for bots in CTF, I appreciate their use in FFA and Dueling for practise/aim-training. But they have no purpose whatsoever in CTF other than to *very slowly* move towards the flag.

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I'd do it if I knew how.. and I checked it out, ofcourse. If bot paths in MP are like they are in SP I could do it, if not I'll shut up now. And Art? My skin.. How do I specify for it what points I want and to what? I know how to make bots, but I wanna know how to customize'em for ProMod if possible

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Originally posted by Wolf Devil

I'd do it if I knew how.. and I checked it out, ofcourse. If bot paths in MP are like they are in SP I could do it, if not I'll shut up now. And Art? My skin.. How do I specify for it what points I want and to what? I know how to make bots, but I wanna know how to customize'em for ProMod if possible


No idea man. Bot paths are not my forte.

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We have some goodies to add to the list of Maps/Skins/Models that are approved for the ProMod MediaPak 1. Keep in mind that this is only a list I'm compiling for ArtifeX for items I have gone though and feel would be worthy of inclusion. He will have the final say on what actually goes in to the MediaPak and what will have to wait for MediaPak2 -and of course, what will go into bin marked "Syfo, what were you thinking?"...


Also note that the complete list is the first post of this thread, and is updated as needed.


If you have a suggestion for things you'd like to see, please take advantage of this opportunity to make me aware of them.


If you made a map or a model that you want to have considered for inclusion, let me know. If you are wondering why the map or model you made isn't on the list please ask.


We STILL need CTF maps!


New additions include:



-Some great duel maps in here -VERY well done.


Yavin Twilight

-A very creative CTF/FFA map, although a little TOO dark. I'd really like to see some kind of light in this map that would allow the player to see where they're going without spoiling the cool mood the author created.


Battle of the Water Forts

- A very nicely done CTF map. It runs a little choppy on my computer, but I think it'll probably play online well enough.


Kit Fisto model

-Anyone who sounds like Flipper, and looks like Squidly-Diddley is alright in my book!


Jerec model

- Really nicely done villian from JK1! He snarls and laughs at you, he's about as Sith as you can get and at least as evil as he was in the JK1 cutscenes. Also includes some really cool alternate versions for team play

(One thing I'd like to see for Jerec is his cape! He had a cool cape! Couldn't a cape be added as an alternate skin or something???)


ObiVM (Obi-Wan)

- A pretty decent Episode 1 Obi-Wan. I'd be open to seeing others that look a little more like him, but this one is pretty good. Still like to see some good ANH versions, if they exist.



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Syfo, Jerec was not a Sith, but a dark Jedi. There's a difference. And no, a cape couldn't be added as an alternate skin, it would require an alternate model :rolleyes: . The Jerec model has a few faults to work out, but can be hammered out by an experienced pk3 editor (me). I also have a skin I'd like to include into the pack.


Edit: I can do the bot paths for any maps requiring them aswell

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