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What's with the Gamepsot UK Preview?


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I mean come on I know it's using the AGe of Kings engine. AOK/AOC IS one of the best RTS games I have ever played. It really starts bashing the Alpha state of the game. Unless they have a Beta as well. I know that AOK is more than 2 years ols now, but with the state of the art AOK has SWGB will be one of my favorite games. Here's the link.






Anyway just a little dissapointed with he preview. Love the new screen shots however. Cheers!

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Guest Darth_Venage

that would be one sorry beta version!!! and the only 3d rst game i like is homeworld, which doesn't fit this type of RTS, so going with a well established engine and using it to their advantage is good for LucasArts. Bout time a good SW RTS came out:D

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Your link was kind of bad so try this

This way please


You do have to admit though that they have some never before seen screens. AoE Rat You deffinatly want to see this site to get some new screens!!!! Here is an example...



Lots of new UNITS!!!


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I think he meant to say "200", not "20".


Quote from article:


Also making an unwelcome return is the 20-unit limit, an artificial barrier that is unnecessary for most modern gaming machines.


Does this guy not realize that not everyone has a "modern gaming machine"? Some people still have 300 mhz and below - and they want to play the game just as much as anyone. This guy is blaming Lucasarts for making the game accessable to everyone. I'm thinking about writing him a scalding email. ;)

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