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GB.com Q&A with Garry Gaber: Answers

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Hi Garry, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer

questions about Galactic Battlegrounds:SAGA.




Battlegrounds will be hitting 1 year old soon, are you pleased with the

response so far from the gaming community?


Extremely pleased. The fans have really embraced this game and I am very gratified to see that we have done right by them.



What made you release Saga?


The company felt it was time to combine the two titles, to give those who hadn't bought the game yet a break on the cost.



Can we see anything new in Saga?


Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds: Saga is a repackaging of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds (the original game) and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns (the expansion pack). The only new thing you will see is a lower price for the combined package, something like $50 retail.



I know its a tough one, but is your current project related to SWGB?




With the success of Battlegrounds, do you have plans for a SWGB 2?


I can't talk about future products, or else a big guy with a lightsaber comes into my office and hacks off an appendage, but I can say that I am excited by the idea of a Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds II, as long as it is fresh and exciting, while still maintaining the fun aspects of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.



Are their plans to release maybe free downloads such as additional units

for SWGB?


I am not aware of any plans to release additional units for the original game.



Do you still pop on the MSN zone to play SWGB?


I have been sort of busy recently. My wife and I just had our first son, Alexander. I’ve been busy playing a new sort of game – called “Keep the baby from crying”. J As soon as things stabilize, I’ll be out on MSN again.




I know you spoke about this before, but the online gaming experience over the MSN ZONE has somewhat spoilt SWGB, do you have any plans at all to help resolve the issue over games being played in the wrong rooms?


Other than asking the players to voluntarily move to the right rooms, there is very little myself or LucasArts can do to change things. It’s totally in the Zone’s hands.


*** Some of the forum goers have been VERY keen to ask questions ***



What does LA hope to achieve by releasing Saga?

LucasArts hopes to encourage more players to try the game, and find out what the rest of you already know – that the game is a fun and exciting Star Wars experience.



If there is a swgb2, will you take suggestions from the community?

Absolutely. Like Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds and Clone Campaigns, we will definitely involve members of the community both in beta testing and general feedback.



will a new add-on be brought out for episode 3???


Episode III is still pretty far off on the horizon. I’m sure the company will evaluate the feasibility of such a product closer to the film’s release.


Gocyn & Darth Windu & CorranHorn328

Will there, at any time, be any files or programs released with

which we can mod SW:GB in a similar fashion to the C&C series rules.ini

file? I bet if you search the net you can find such tools. I know there were such tools made for Age of Empires…


will any tools be released in the future by LEC to allow easier modding to

SWGB and CC? We will not be releasing any tools beyond the scenario editor already included with the game.


Admiral Vostok

What does being a game director involve? What background experience do you

need to become

a successful game director?


First and foremost, you have to love playing games. But it goes a little beyond that. You have to also want to make games, which is an entirely different thing. We have several game directors, and they have all come at the job from different angles. Some have been artists (like myself), starting in 3D art and cinematic sequences, or building models and animations for games. Others move into the job from programming, and in that case, C, C++ or assembly language programming is a very important skill. Still others come into this job from level design or producing. There really is no set way to become a game director, but some skill at some aspect of creating games is a big prerequisite. And then of course, it is important to know all the other non-game related stuff, called life experience, which helps you become a more rounded member of the team. I hope this helps.




If there will be future releases and expansions of Galactic

Battlegrounds, have you considered adding eyecandy units that

promote an interior atmosphere? Such as tables and rugs.

If we did a future release of the game, and if we chose to do interior settings, than tables, rugs, and other interior placements would need to be created.


KoL ShadowJedi

If you do make a new SW RTS will you use a current engine or make your own?

It totally depends on the scope of the new game and the design. But either approach can result in a cool game.


Young David

1. What have you been working on since CC

Raising my son, and a new project…


2. What are your future plans for games? Is it gonna be RTS again? or

something completely different.


I am a huge RTS gamer (see answer to the next question for more info). I would love to another, even cooler RTS game based in the Star Wars universe as my next project.


2.What games do you play yourself?

I’ve been playing a lot of Warcraft III, Age of Mythology, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Spiderman, Combat Flight Simulator III, an older RTS called Kohan, Starcraft: Brood Wars, amongst others.

Extremely pleased. The fans have really embraced this game and I am very gratified to see that we have done right by them.

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I hope there is a Galactic Battlegrounds 2 coming out be Jan. 1, 2004. Sounds encouraging! Lets hope official news comes out of the Lucasarts website this month or next month. Too bad on the no dowloads or updates for the original! That was depressing to hear. Hopefully we will see more aircraft and large ships in a space combat mode or something. More heros and characters from the movie. Also more movie vehicles, species, ships, droids, and creatures. Thanks Garry for writing back! Although, my question wasn't asked.

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I think that if there WAS to be a SWGB II, there are a few things that should be incorporated into the game:

(1) Being a Star Wars Comic collector for over a decade, I have seen Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights from a wide array of races. I believe that this is one way to increase sales of any such game. Just think, of all the various aliens seen on the Jedi counsel many of us thought would be part of the SWGBCC game.

(2) I also think that the tool box option for any possible SWGB II game would be more benificial to us DIEHARD fans if it came with a wider array of the many alien species and vehicles seen throughout the Star Wars films and the expanded universe and comics.


So how many of you fans out there of the game would agree with my thoughts?:koon:

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Originally posted by charles762

I think that if there WAS to be a SWGB II, there are a few things that should be incorporated into the game:

(1) Being a Star Wars Comic collector for over a decade, I have seen Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights from a wide array of races. I believe that this is one way to increase sales of any such game. Just think, of all the various aliens seen on the Jedi counsel many of us thought would be part of the SWGBCC game.

(2) I also think that the tool box option for any possible SWGB II game would be more benificial to us DIEHARD fans if it came with a wider array of the many alien species and vehicles seen throughout the Star Wars films and the expanded universe and comics.


(3)So how many of you fans out there of the game would agree with my thoughts?:koon:


1-This has been discussed for a long time. Some persons don't want these alien jedi in a standard map game. Some want them.

2-That is a must!

3-I can't say exactly how many but a lot is good.


Anyway welcome to Lucasforums GB Forum!:)

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You know, another thing that I was thinking of was the addition of new Civs for any sequals that COULD come about for SWGB. Some thoughts that I had on this issue was a Civ for the Black Sun organization since they have roots in the comics during the Republic and Empire eras. I was also thinking that with the importance the Mon Calamari played in the original trilogy, they would be an important part of the game.:mon:

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If you made a GB2, would you use the same engine that Age of Empires used, like you did for the first one, or would you consider using the same engine as Age of Mythology. I think that would be really cool!


Also, if there were to be an expansion or a sequel, I think that you should deal with the problem with air units. Air units, such as bombers and fighters, are stationary when they fire, but many people want to see bombers do bombing runs and fighters strafe like in a dog fight. Would it be possible to have a button or a command that would allow the player to choose whether they want their air units to do fly-by, strafe, or stationary attack mode, sort of like the stance buttons that allow the player to choose whether the unit is in agressive, defensive, stand ground, or no attack stance? (That's probably a really bad run-on sentence)


I would also like to see improved unit AI(so that the units don't get confuses when they are in large groups and attack other units and buildings with more discretion as to what they can handle), a higher population limit for those of us who have faster comps, and MORE CIVS!


Also, something that might be interesting is to do like they did in Metal Fatigue where you have three levels to play on--in the air(for fighters and dog fights, you could send them to the upper atmosphere or onto floating platforms), on the ground, and under the water (for subs that could maybe go through under water caves and stuff to reach the other side of a landmass and for building under water buildings for the gungans, heck you could set it to where the gungans could have a whole separate base underwater by making more "aqua-friendly" units).


Another suggestion is to make a mechanic unit that automatically repairs damaged non-biological units nearby. Sort of a medic for the machine. It can get cumbersome to tell workers to repair a lot of units one by one and time consuming! Also more force units would be cool! Make some force tanks or something that would make the jedi more powerful, not to mention maybe giving jedi a ranged force attack other than their sabres. I don't use Jedi very often because I don't feel they have a wide enough scope in battle, that would maybe solve that problem. More unique units would be cool and also a water turret or walls so you could protect yourself in the water. Even a ranged sea unit would be cool! One, that could attack from the ocean with lots of power and devastate the mainland.


I think that's it (for now). Thanks for taking the time to listen to our requests, comments, and general praise for a great game!

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Well thank you Sithmaster. I cant be sure but im pretty sure i started off the SWGB2 idea to determine what fans would like if there was a sequel. I certainly hope Mr. Gaber looks at the 'ideas for SWGB2' thread.


As for engine, AoM is totally inappropriate. The RoN engine would suit SWGB2 MUCH better. I say this because there are no gods in Star Wars, and no mythological units, whereas in RoN there are already rnaged infantry as the norm, small and large aircraft, ranged heavy armoured vehicles etc

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I think some of the AoM fans among us are going to counter-argue that instead of godly powers there could be Force Powers or Planetary Bombardment instead.


Well for a start force power are used by Jedi, and we haven't seen anything canon that allows force powers to destroy entire armies with one go. Luke Skywalker, despite all his Jedi stuff, did not manage to save the Rebels on Hoth.

And I belive planetary bombardment is conducted using bombers, right? But it would work far better to just use bombers on the actual battlefield gameplay-wise.

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If there was to be an SWGB 2, I would love to see the Jedi and Sith units gain some of the force abilities that they have on the big screen and in the comics. Wouldn't it be awesome to see Jedi be able to employ the force push ability when you have them in combat with a small group of enemy? Earlier, I also expressed that I would like to be able to see a wider range of Jedi/Sith in the SWGB games. I was thinking that maybe it would simply be better to have a wider range of Jedi/Sith units at least in the Toybox that way those of us who are really fond of Jedi units could use them in the games, and those that are not could simply over look them. I do think that if there was to be a sequal to SWGB 2, the members of the Jedi Counsel should be a must because they are an important fixture during the Republic era. I also think that for the alien races added into the Tool box, there could be two versions (Jedi and NonJedi).

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Personally, if they were to bring out SWGB i would like to see much better scenarios based more on the movies & perhaps the books or whatever. The ones which came with the game really werent that great and i would hope they would bring out something of warcraft III quality for example.


Then, more kind of in game features, perhaps in built multiplayer and stuff for when your actually playing such as better notifications. and stuff.

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Originally posted by charles762

If there was to be an SWGB 2, I would love to see the Jedi and Sith units gain some of the force abilities that they have on the big screen and in the comics. Wouldn't it be awesome to see Jedi be able to employ the force push ability when you have them in combat with a small group of enemy? Earlier, I also expressed that I would like to be able to see a wider range of Jedi/Sith in the SWGB games. I was thinking that maybe it would simply be better to have a wider range of Jedi/Sith units at least in the Toybox that way those of us who are really fond of Jedi units could use them in the games, and those that are not could simply over look them. I do think that if there was to be a sequal to SWGB 2, the members of the Jedi Counsel should be a must because they are an important fixture during the Republic era. I also think that for the alien races added into the Tool box, there could be two versions (Jedi and NonJedi).


1) Yeah, I also would like Jedi to have force powers in SWGB2. I thought it was somewhat missing in SWGB/CC

2) Maybe there could be maybe 2 variatons on Jedi and Sith, like Villagers in AoK

3) Yeah Jedi council for toolbox

4) As for one of ur previos posts, I don't think Black Sun as such would be a good civ, becuase mainly u said it urself:


Some thoughts that I had on this issue was a Civ for the Black Sun organization since they have roots in the comics during the Republic and Empire eras.


Most fans and casual gamers don't read the comics.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Garry does check these forums and no doubt he will be looking at ideas etc for the new title he is working on.


If LA do make their own engine, they have enough time to get it right....but look at Force Commander :-(


Just remember though that GB.com will no doubt be the exclusive official fansite for the new release with updates, news etc...so tell your friends to sign up



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Hey if you guys get tired of hearing my ideas on a possible SWGB II, please let me know. :D My mind is just filled with all types of ideas for a new SWGB game. One thing that I was thinking of was possible routes for new campaigns. For the Republic, I think the exploits of Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura would be good. I especially liked the comic series where they went up against an Anzanti dark Jedi. For the Empire, I think going through the period where the emperor had been cloned and was trying to maintain control of the empire would be decent. For the Rebels, I think it could be shot forward during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. For the Confederacy maybe explore Count Dooku's attempt to rally more worlds away from the Republic. For the Trade Federation, I would like to see it centered on Aurra Sing and her hunt for jedi. As for the Naboo, Gungans, and Wookies, I would not have a clue. What do you guys think would be some good CIVs to add? I figured by having a CIV of Black Sun, it would be an easy way to get a lot more of the various Star Wars Universe species into a game since it is mostly composed of alien bounty hunters and Smugglers.;)

I would also like to see some of the Star Wars location maps available for us to build our own scenarios around. I would like to close with one other thought (as I feel my post here may be getting lengthy), How about if the game had sample units in the tool box option from a large pool of Star Wars races, and for each unit type, there was also a corresponding Jedi version for those of us who feel that the Star Wars Universe revolves around those mighty force users?

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Well we can't be tired of suggestions(except stupid ones).


Your campaign ideas are mainly EU and some persons at this forum(not me but.....) don't like them. Here is a list of the persons who don,t want EU:








anyway although I am for EU



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Actually Crazy and charles, this is a real possability.


In Rise of Nation, there is one particular unit that fires its gun at range, but when it closes on the enemy units, it begins to fight with a sword. I dont see why it couldnt be made so that the force is like the gun, and of course swap the sword for a lightsabre.

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both the AoM and RoN engines would seem forced and very negative to game play. Windu and Crazy dog pointed out the problems with AoM, and I posted the problems with using RoN or WC3 somewhere on this board.


I think force powers are a great idea, but instead of having them keyed to a button like in _Craft, they should be used randomly, like myth units in AoM. I just hope that there is more player-developer interaction and that LA uses a service that isnt the zone.

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Spells/powers chosen and used by player make a game too much of a clickfest. The AoM method of random powers doesn't harm gameplay like the clickfest method does, but I don't really think either adds much to the game besides a more "realistic" effect.


IMO in GB2 there needs to be an entirely new gameplay dimension added. I don't think they should just make a GB1 in 3D with prettier explosions and units, etc. The graphics in GB are already quite good anyway, with the exception of lasers travelling at the speed of arrows :)

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