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GB.com Q&A with Garry Gaber: Answers

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Force Powers are a good idea to help boost your armourey. Perhaps Force Powers could be gained by attacking early for example, or killing a certain amount of units, to encourage attack rather than defend.


I do believe that the Tech tree should be scrapped. Civs should start with ALL units but things like the bigger mechs take alot longer to create, so you have to think about what units are better early on to defend/attack.



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Problems with RoN:

-borders: umm, they didnt even exist in Star Wars. Civs had whole planets, not to mention we dont play as whole civilizations, but little colonies or cities

-Its too long: Period. SW doesnt have a huge timetable, especially with all of the civs

-2d/3d graphics: SWGB2 has got to be all 3d. If you want to do something, you should do it right.

-Generic units: Another consensus among forumers. Unique unit sets are a must

-Attrition: See borders, not to mention most attacks on cities were done through armies invading enemy territory swiftly

-And other things ive forgotten


Tech tree should stay, RoN isnt out, and force powers from kills is too RGP

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I would like to see Star Wars locales from the movies to added into the scenario editor like in the single player. Besides the normal locations like a desert, etc.

For instance:




Yavin IV


Ord Mantell





Wookie home World

Tipoca City

Mos Espa

Mos Eisley

Cloud City




-Combine Heavy Weapons and Mech Factory units into one building (Keep canon units and remove non-canon units)

-Add more types of troopers from movies into each civilization

-Keep it a 2-D game. Otherwise I won't be able to play a new 3-D game with my computer

-Increase population size to 500 units

-Add Hero units from all star wars movies into proper civilization

-Add a space combat mode or option with the larger ships like star destroyers, etc.

-Add a option to create different species of bounty hunter with different abilities

-Add a option to make hero units in the single player mode

-Add Heros like:


Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, General Madine, General Rieekan, Wedge Antilles, Kyle Katarn, Leebo, Grand Admiral thrawn, Prince Xizor, Admiral Piett, Captain Piett, Admiral Ozzel, Moff Tarkin, Moff Jerjorrad, Admiral Motti, General Tagge, The Jedi Council, Owen Lars and aunt Beru both young and old, rest of Jabba's goons, Mos Eisley Catina aliens, etc.

-resources that never get used up! tired of the farms! LOL!

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I think that a new SWGB should indeed have more of the locales from the Star Wars Universe in the scenario editor. I also think that with all the various races in the Star Wars movies, comics, and novels; a lot more of them should appear in a Star Wars game. Since I am a giant fan of the Jedi, I also think that for the various races in the game, there should be a Jedi version of them as well for those of us who are fond of Jedi. Even though a lot of people may not be in to the expanded universe, I think incorporating some of its characters fills in the gaps between the movies. One ideal that I had today was what if each Jedi Holocrone came with a different Jedi ability that your Jedi could learn when placed into your temple? I also think it is kind of boring that the Jedi for all the races look alike. Why not vary the type of Jedi each Civ produces? i.e. Wookie Jedi for the Wookie Civ. I also think that the Jedi of varying races should have varying attack frames.

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Er... wow. This thread seems to be a rather haphazard throwing together of many ideas us gamers have discussed. A mush, if you will. Hmm.... that's an idea. Let's rename this thread "The Mush Thread!"

Who's with me?


Alien Jedi- Someone get emimar in here, she (she is a she, isn't she??) had a great idea for this.


EU- A definite for GB 2, though hopefully based more on the books than the comics. I haven't read any of the comics, and to be truthful, I don't have much of a desire to. The books provide plenty enough material to make a great number of civs and campaigns.


Joe- OK, everybody, all together now:


(sorry, I just have to say that in every thread that Joe reposts his ideas).

Oh, wait, Charles mightn't have heard it all before. Oh well.


RoN- No way. I agree with everything Sith has said on the topic. As I've said many times before, Grand-Epic-Mode-Switching-Grounds is not the name of the game. It's GB and most importantly it's SW, and Grand-Epic-Mode-Switching is neither of these.


AoM- Once again, no. No engine can ever be perfect for another game, and this is once again very much not perfect. I agree with the argument about the god powers etc, and as someone else said, using another engine makes the game seem quite forced and would decrease sales and popularity.

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I think I understand u now CorranSec. U are thinking from the BATTLE perspective, I am thinking from the WAR perspective.


Charles- I agree to having more Jedi. Maybe for the "good" civs there could be a variation of Twi'leck or Human jedi. Like villagers in AoK.



All or most of the locations u meantioned are in the game already.

Heroes are H E R O E S. This means they shouldn't be built in a normal game.

The only good ideas u have posted are the space battle option for space battles (separate from ground battles of course) and infinite resources which furthers my arguement for RoN.

Now please, stop repeating urself unless absolutely nesassary.

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