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First Time Around?...


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I've been rabidly reading through all kinds of tutorials, recently got 3ds max, and I'm planning on trying to make a model for the game. What would be a good first model to start? I was thinking Eek! The Cat, as a cartoon character would be fairly simple, not too many polys, and nothing complex in terms of textures...plus, no one has done that as of yet. Any thoughts?

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HJ: I might consider your suggestion, but as I'm a fan of Eek, that skin takes priority. Gumby was alright, but Eek just takes the cake! "It never hurts to help," and, "Koombaya!" :D:cool: Ahh...memories. God, I hate Fox for taking that show off the air! Ahg, I'm ranting again...


RS: Heathcliff is a possibility. He's not too far from the shape of Eek so a simple reskin could work...mebbe. Might need to make a second skin, though, a slight modification of the original. If you want, I'll throw 'em both in the same skinpack...


Basically, I want to make a fairly good, yet reasonably simple first model so I can get an idea of what's involved. If the cat models turn out to be too complex at first, I'll fall back to making Gumby.

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