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Moving misc_models


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I personally used a func_static (which are my most favored entities, after doors and lights...). Then you can easily use ref_taqs for directing the movement of your model, and do all those nice tricks you can do with func_static anyway. Just set with a MODEL key your model. Then you must have an origin brush, and in addition to that, you must also have a piece of some other material, otherwise you'll get the nasty sv_setbrushmodel 0 error message. I just put in a small piece of caulked brush in contact with the origin brush.

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I"m the kind who never stop thinking and trying

and thanx a lot for all those usefull replyes. What

i 'v found is that i can use a func_train and set a model2 who have the path of the model i want to use and a model3 with or without a path and it work. If i dont use a model3 key

it doesnt work. Dont know why maybe a bug.


Thanx again for the help!

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