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Can Anyone Add Binary? ;_;


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Does anyone know binary arithmatic? n_n If you do, you would be an amazing help! I've got this final exam in my computers class, see, and I have to know how to add *big* binary numbers - heck, I can't even count to 2. ¬_¬


I need to add these numbers: 01010101 + 00010111 + 000111011=?


Who wants to be a hero?? ;_;

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binary addition is easy this is how to do it




00010111 +




1 111


ok heres how it works



one 1 just right the 1 in the answer

two 1's carry the 1 but put a 0 in the answer

three 1's carry the 1 and put a 1 in the answer


now just let me check that on a calculator... yep im right. (use bin mode in windows calculator)

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt

binary addition is easy this is how to do it




00010111 +




1 111


ok heres how it works



one 1 just right the 1 in the answer

two 1's carry the 1 but put a 0 in the answer

three 1's carry the 1 and put a 1 in the answer


now just let me check that on a calculator... yep im right. (use bin mode in windows calculator)




Now go sit in the corner! And put the dunce cap on!

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Oh my goodness, kill me.

I just realised I posted the wrong number to be added. -_- I put an extra 0 at the start of the 3rd number.

Does that make a difference?

It should be this:

+00111011   *NOT* 000111011 -_- Let's see if I can do it.

- uh... what do you do when you have to add 4 zeros? O_o Cuz that would = 100, ne? But you can't carry 2 numbers... oh, poop.

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You are correct on those two. And leading zeros make no difference.


Now, if it doesn't matter how you get the answers, why not just convert them to decimal, add, and then convert back, if you find it difficult to add in binary?


But, here we go:








OK, add 1, 1, and 1. You get 11. Put down 1 and carry the 1:









Now add 1, 0, 1, and 1. You get 11. Put down 1 and carry the 1:









Same deal again:









Now add 1 and 1 and get 10. Put down 0 and carry the 1:









Now add those four 1s. What do you get? 100. So, put down the zero, and carry the 1 and 0 in their respective columns:









The next step is obvious:









As is the next:









And the final step:









So, if you have a multiple digit carry, carry them into two different columns. If you have another carry that needs to be added to one of those, just add them. Just like in decimal addition.

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Turn each hex digit into four binary digits and go to town :)


Seriously - what's with the questions about adding numbers in different bases? Addition is addition. Adding in binary is exactly the same as adding in decimal. Why should the meaning or procedure of addition change depending on what base you express the numbers in?

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Why? It's still multiplication. It's exactly the same.


As for the hex thing, that's just a shortcut - you can do it the normal way.


Didn't you ever wonder why computers are so confortable with hex? Because it's just binary, basically. Same with any base that's a power of two. An octal (base eight) digit can be viewed as three binary digits, for example.


A hex example:


In hex: 45D6

In binary: 0100010111010110


See, just break up the binary into chunks of four to see each group of four can be viewed as a hex digit:


0100 = 4

0101 = 5

1101 = D

0110 = 6

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Thanks! I confess I had to do a small search to find why 1101 = D, but it's actually pretty logical for a base 16. :doh::rolleyes:


Never thought much about mathematics with other bases than a decimal base, or why computers like hex. It was never a subject in one of my math classes. I think it's a bit of a shame, even though it has little to do with aerospace engineering.

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Commander 598 I know im right, I think your interpreting the binary number differently to me.


Hex is also easy as its just base 16, times each digit by 16 and then add that on remeber than if its greater than 9 to add it in the other column.


Then simply do the dec maths and if convert it back (doing the opposite of before).

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