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Where did the idea that the Sith have to look so rotten originate??


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I know sidious/ palpatiene rotted, but Dooku, no Maul tattos, but rotten teeth havent seen Anakin yet. Exar Kun slightly, I haven't read much on Eu books Im not a big EU enthusiasts unless i t was overlooked by the Man like Bounty Hunter.


Still any insight you can share would be nice

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I think it's mostly from the evil of the dark side of the force. I do know that the darkside wears down a person's body/skin over time much quicker then the light side of the force.....see emp palpatine in ROTJ. And that's why they look so evil.....IMO



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Im a big fan of Star Wars so I can answer your questions.


1) Sith were once jedi corrupted by the dark side and turned into Dark Jedi (sith... sith is basically cause its easier to say all sith are dark jedi). Sith are actually a race(or once were) and the Dark Jedi went to their planet after being kicked out of the Jedi Order and took the name Sith.

2) They dont need tatoos, its just something Maul wanted done to him... I hear that the horns were an implant... and the face was paint.

3) All sith at some point get rotted. Jedi and sith live longer than normal people (dont know by how much longer) but I do know jedi stay 'preserved' and with sith they end up looking like the Emperor... if a jedi doesn't cut them in half :D

4) *forgot one and slaps himself*

5) Sith didnt 'originate' from anywhere. They were all once jedi (or recruited by the sith... either way)

6) Jedi and Sith aren't a race... Jedi and Sith is just like their job their 'calling'




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Originally posted by VadWalker

Im a big fan of Star Wars so I can answer your questions.


1) Sith were once jedi corrupted by the dark side and turned into Dark Jedi (sith... sith is basically cause its easier to say all sith are dark jedi). Sith are actually a race(or once were) and the Dark Jedi went to their planet after being kicked out of the Jedi Order and took the name Sith.

2) They dont need tatoos, its just something Maul wanted done to him... I hear that the horns were an implant... and the face was paint.

3) All sith at some point get rotted. Jedi and sith live longer than normal people (dont know by how much longer) but I do know jedi stay 'preserved' and with sith they end up looking like the Emperor... if a jedi doesn't cut them in half :D

4) *forgot one and slaps himself*

5) Sith didnt 'originate' from anywhere. They were all once jedi (or recruited by the sith... either way)

6) Jedi and Sith aren't a race... Jedi and Sith is just like their job their 'calling'






Man that didn't help at all, I know more than that.


The simple question was why do the sith have this perception that they look rotten or decaying? I alredy can see palpatiene, but i thought the idea was exagerrated in EU with other authors.


However i thought it was the strain of going deep into the darkside of the force. Well that didn't help much, but how extreme do you think it will be in game.

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Originally posted by VadWalker

They dont need tatoos, its just something Maul wanted done to him... I hear that the horns were an implant... and the face was paint.

maul was a zabrak ... the horns are part of what the species look like. check out EETH KOTH (jedi council member) ... he was a zabrak as well. the tats are something zabraks do to themselves ... eeth has them, but his are more fine lines compared to maul's intense, graphic version.


as for the sith topic ... HERE'S SOME INFO!

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They made them look like that in the movies so as they would look evil.


Also, All Sith are dark jedis but not all dark jedis are sith. There may only be two sith at a time. A master and an apprentice. Otherwise they would get noticed.


I reckon Dooku is the emperors new apprentice.

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Originally posted by Naphtali



Man that didn't help at all, I know more than that.


The simple question was why do the sith have this perception that they look rotten or decaying? I alredy can see palpatiene, but i thought the idea was exagerrated in EU with other authors.


However i thought it was the strain of going deep into the darkside of the force. Well that didn't help much, but how extreme do you think it will be in game.


I've got your answer from a George Lucas interview when Ep I came out. He said the the dark side is as you put it decaying it's user. It is slowly destroying there bodies. So if you gave Dooku more time using the darkside he too would hunch over and get wrinklely skin.

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I've been lurking on this board for along time now, and thought I would post something.


I might be wrong but I thought not all Sith were Jedi, Maul and Sidious weren't Jedi. I thought that a Dark Jedi was just a Jedi who turned to the Dark Side but wasn't trained by a Sith, just did what he wanted. And a Sith followed the teachings of the Sith, so if a dark jedi was to become a Sith he had to train as one or something, lol haven't been to sleep so I'm not sure what I'm saying LOL. Like I said I might be wrong about that, if someone is sure can they tell me :)

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Originally posted by Hannibal


I've got your answer from a George Lucas interview when Ep I came out. He said the the dark side is as you put it decaying it's user. It is slowly destroying there bodies. So if you gave Dooku more time using the darkside he too would hunch over and get wrinklely skin.


Thanks a lot Han.


So I guess Vadar being cybernetically enhanced that would'nt apply.


Rival your right but apparently in this game, you can only be on 2 sides.


Sith Knights started by a rouge Jedi.

To become a sith one may have to study from the holocron to learn some secrets of differen't ways to manipulate the force, i think.

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