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Regions - Secluding map portions for working and compiling


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I've noticed that very many people in the JO mapping community aren't aware of this very simple feature in all versions of Radiant... Regions let you seculde a portion of a map, compile it and test it seperatly from the rest. And all the info is in the Q3Radiant manual that comes with JK2Radiant and GTKRadiant.


This is the easiest thing to do:


1. Select the brushes and entities to be in a region.


2. Click Region > Set Selected Brushes.


You can now work on and compile only that portion of the map for testing. To turn off the regioning, just select Off from the Region menu.



I'm sure this is probably old news for some people, but I rarely see it talked about on JO forums, if ever. I hope some people find this helpful.

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I didn't know this myself I have to admit (but then I made a few maps without knowing what caulk was either), but it's extremely useful to know, for when you only want to re-compile a certain part of the map to see how changes work out, before I either had to recompile the whole map even if to look at only one part of it, or for cutsceens where you have to re-compile near endlessly to get them right (I do anyway) I made them as seperate maps then pasted them together at the end. Thanks a lot Emon, this should make life a lot easier :)

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No problem. :)


I got a program error in Q3Map2 when compiling my region earlier, I don't know why. Strangly enough, after I clicked it away, it continued and compiled fine. I think it was because I had a "leak", so to speak, in my region. "Leak" meaning there were portions that weren't closed off; not exposed to the void on the full map, but exposed to nothing with the region on.

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