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Force Choke and dropping someone..How to?


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I was playing a team FFA map the other night for the first time. I've pretty much stuck to DUAL only maps but somehow ended up on a TEAM FFA map and it was a lot of fun.


One guy uses force choke to pick me up then moves me out over a ledge and drops me....ahhhhh....good move. So I decide to try this, pick up an unsuspecting opponent with force choke, and do. But when I turn, he just sits there.


So, my question is, when you force choke someone, how do you move them around in mid-air. I tried just turning my mouse but that didn't work.


I'm playing v1.04.



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Yeah, you gotta have level 3... then you Grip him, raise him, move him to a ledge and let go of the force button.


Better yet, you can put him behind a wall between you so he cant attack/counterforce you.


Are you sure you had level 3? Many an occasion I personally forgot about my level of ability in a force... It's annoying but it happens :/.

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Well the guy who did it to me did it so fast I didn't have time to absorb anything. It was like, I'm being choked, oh, now I'm falling into the abyss.


I'll try again, but I'm 99% sure I had my force choke power up to max.




Funny thing, during the same game, I snuck up on some poor soul who was sniping and force pushed him off a ledge on NS Streets. I'm laughing HAHAHAHAHAHA b/c I know it supprised him. I then realized I pushed him down about 10-feet onto another ledge. He gets up and runs away!!!! Guess he had the last laugh.

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Originally posted by LadyGaladriel

Sounds like this guy you were trying to move was using the /amsit command. Is it possible to move someone who does that?


Ahh, good point. I don't think it is, it's also very hard to hurt someone who sits with the saber.


Yes, you just turn your mouse to move the grippée.


Did he have a blue glow around him? It's likely he had absorb on him, as Luc pointed out.

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