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lighting through objects/translucency


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Two half-related questions:


First, how can I make a shader translucent?


Second, every time I compile my city of the ancients map, the game lights through curves that are supposed to be opaque, as if they aren't even there (hit the link in my signature and look at the interior shots of the white temple to see what I mean...that bright lit square on the floor shouldn't be there). How do I fix this? I tried doing extra light passes and it didn't seem to help.

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Shadriss - I think the angle I took that shot at just wasn't the best to see what I meant. The wood, and the plaster on the temple walls, and the weave on the yellow temple altar came form the texture sets in an image editor I have.


Leslie - Oooooh, thanks. That does seem kind of silly not to have in the menu...


So then how about translucency? I thought that maybe I could just copy a glass shader code and change the image it uses to my canopy image, but I thought that that would result in too much transparency. I want to code something so that light/shadow passes through it but you can't actually SEE through it.

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"4.8.23 trans

Tells q3map that pre-computed visibility should not be blocked by this surface. Generally, any shaders that have blendfuncs should be marked as surfaceparm trans."


" blendfunc blend

Shorthand for blendfunc gl_src_alphagl_one_minus_src_alpha. This is conventional transparency, where part of the background is mixed with part of the texture."


- from the Q3A Shader Manual


I think this can help.

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