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This is POWER!

Commander 598

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My main PC gave up today. Windows has become totally corrupted. I can get it to start in Safe Mode, and from there do a Scanreg /Restore to get up and running again for a while, (long enough to make sure all my backups are up-to-date and complete,) until I try to restart it anyway, then it goes SNAFU on me all over again.


Looks like I get to spend the next couple of days reinstalling Windows, all my applications, and getting my system reset the way I like it.


Oh joy! :rolleyes:


Oh well... it was way overdue for this and I knew it. Actually, I'm kinda surprised it took this long. I just hope it's not the warning signs of a hard drive failure or something.


Looks like I got this 2nd comp just in time. Too bad it's such a dog,.. but good enough for internet and e-mail anyway.

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Well, Internet Explorer works again anyways.

It'll be a few days before I truly get this thing configured the way that I'm used to, but most of the major pieces of hardware seem to be working as expected.

Still a lot of software to get installed, though.

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Yeah, I've tried threatening it,.. but still it refuses to listen to logic.


Actually, a nice. clean, new OS install is such a joy to behold and work with! I've been wanting to do this for months now, but just kept putting it off. It took the PC to really make up my mind for me. It had been over 2 years, getting close to 3, without any kind of major OS overhaul.

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