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Develop an Adventure...


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Okay, I've got an idea for some FunTimes on the forum. Let's do a story thread of some sorts. We'll start out with a fresh, totally original character concept, and take him on a journey. Let's call him ... Danny Malavera. People will each write a line or three, letting the next person who posts continue the story, and so on. Illustrations are welcome, too! Put your contribution to the story in bold, so that we can differentiate between the gripping tale and the side comments. Okay, here goes:


Our story opens on a bustling city with, a towering skyline, and cars rushing every which way. In a dark office, in a dingy brick building dwarfed by the other towers, our hero is hard at work on something...

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Great idea, we did this sort of thing at primary school :p but seriously I have little imagination...

...Hunched at a dimly lit desk his concentration absolute, his hand scans over the detritus littering his office. Suddenly as his fingers discovers the delights of a scalding cup of coffee, sparks of pain dance across his face...

Hooray! It does nothing to advance the story! :)

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and he was dead. Well, sort of... He didn't realised this at the beginning : his face had fallen on his desk and he felt that he was drooling on his bills. Trying to make himself cleaner he discovered that he couldn't move. Then in a blur of sensations and lights, his mind made a jump of three decades in the past when all of this began...


Well, sorry if my english is quite bad.

And now go on , thou fools!

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