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The all to famous Pants thread in Star Wars

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

Substitute the word "pants" for any other word in a line from Star Wars and you will be amazed how funny some lines get.



"Negative. It didnt go in. I just impacted on the pants."


"I find your lack of pants disturbing."


"Sir! We havent any pants in sector 5!"

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Guest Boba Rhett

"General Veers, prepare your pants for ground assault."


"Pants not make one great."


"She's hidden the plans in here pant's. General Needa, send a fleet down to retrieve them."


"But I was going to go into Tosche Station to pick up some pants!"


"Strong am I with the pants but not that strong."


"You have a little something to learn about pants!'


"Fallback! The pants are still up!!"


"Your pant's will freeze before you reach the first marker!"


"I just felt a great disturbance in the pants."

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This thread is much funnier with the word "spam" oh well....


"The pants are strong with this one."


"Two pants against a Star Destroyer?"


"The Ion Cannon will fire several pants....."


"....if i loose, you keep my pants."


"I wager my new pants against say....the boy and his mother."


"Ahhh...PANTS, you seek pants"


"I'm looking for great jedi pants"


"I can't teach this boy, he has no pants"


"Red group, gold group all pants follow me."


"Nice pants kids, those are 1 in a million."


ok, thats enough....for now.

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Guest Lord Tirion

"You came in those pants? You are much braver than I thought."


"Imperial pants have entered the base!"


"The pants will be with you.. always."

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- Do or do not, there is no pants


- Strong with the pants I am, but not so strong.


- Fear leads to anger, anger leads to pants, pants lead to suffering.


- Pants the maker!!!


- May the pants be with you.


- Evacuate? In our moment of pants?!


- Join me, and together we will rule the pants as Father and son.


- Luke... I am your pants!


- Greatings exhaulted one, allow me to introduce my pants...


- If this is a consular ship, where are the pants?!


- You are part of the Rebel pants and a traitor!!!


- Mom, you say the biggest pants in this universe is nobody helps each other


- My pants are dying Senator.


- Weesa not liken the pants... brrr brrr


- Look sir, pants.


- Your feeble pants are no match for the Dark Side.

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"Emperors Black Pants!"


"All fighters comince the attack on the DeathStars main pants"


"You can submit your application to the pants next year."

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- A long time ago in a pants far, far away.


- The Phantom Pants

- Attack of the Pants

- A new Pant

- The Pants Strike Back

- Return of the Pants


- The Pants Holiday Special


- These aren't the pants you're looking for

- Who do you think you are? some kinda Jedi or something waving around your pants like that.

- A great, new pants

- Prepare landing your pants

- But master Yoda tought me to be mindfull of the pants

- You were right about about one thing master, the pants were short.

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Guest Lord Tirion

"All of his pants are gone." -- ANH, Aunt Beru


"They may have traced my pants back.. home!" --ANH, Luke



"That is no moon! Thats pants!'


"Do you think your pants are being treated unfairly?"

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"Your pants, we don't want them here, they'll have to wait outside."


"What an incredible pants you've discovered!"


"We could almost buy our own pants for that!" "But whose gonna wear them, you?"


"But with the pants down i can't see a thing!"


"Let go of your pants, and act on instinct."


"Hold your fire, there are no pants onboard."


"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, your my only pants"


"Your father pants."


"TK-421, why aren't you in your pants?"


"Your pants, need them you will not"


"I'm out of it for a little while and everyone starts getting delusions of pants"


"Our cruisers can't repel pants of that magnitude!"


"These are the only pants we'll get"

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Guest oninosensi

"How are your pants?" "Getting better, instead of a big dark pair, I have a big bright pair."


"I grew up here you know. Your not missing pants."


"...where you will be digested slowly in the Great Pants..."


"I though your where blind!" "Don't worry, my pants are getting better!"


"Boba Pants!? Where!?"


"Turn the gun around! Fire it into the pants!"


"Do you know Obi Wan Kenobi? I think these pants belong to him."

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"You weak minded fool, he's using old jedi pants."


"These are the last pants you'll ever make!"


"Let's get out of here, and don't forget the pants!"


"Because he's holding a pair of pants!!!"


"Imperial pants have entered the base. Imperial pants have entered the base........"


"Give the evacuation code signal, and get to your pants!"


"Do, or do not, there are no pants."


"Mom, Mom, look at all the pants we have!"


"Everything here revolves around betting on those awfull pant races."


"Pants can be a powerfull ally"


"Here, you'll like these pants."


"We'll head back to our pants."


"But he asks the impossible, i need more pants"


"We shall double outr pants."

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"..and he has much to learn of the living pants..."


"I am ready to take the pants"


"Blast it pants! Where are you?!?"


"Pants? Pants are no good out here, i need something more real."


"You know, i think these pants might be stolen"


"I'm toydarian, pants don't fit on me."

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Guest Lord Tirion

"We dont need to see his pants. These arent the pants we are looking for."


"What an incredible smelly pair of pants you discovered."


"Good work Chewie. Always thinking with your pants."

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