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Troopers Blood?


What civ has the best and coolest looking Troopers  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. What civ has the best and coolest looking Troopers

    • Rebel Alliance :luke:
    • Galactic Empire :trooper:
    • Wookies :wookiee:
    • Royal Naboo :amidala:
    • Trade Federation :bdroid1:
    • Gungans :jarjar:
    • Republic :clone:
    • Confederacy :bdroid2:

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:mob: Troopr-Undr-Fir



:saberb: Troopers Blood Anyone? :saberr:



Yo everyone one! Whats up? Nothin much Here, Lets get to the point, I'm really sorry to say that a Star Wars, spawn the fantastic Age of Empire 2 with its many great senerios, just doesn't have the type of inventive and fun scenerios its predicessor has. Also I would like to add that not all of AOE2's scenrios are top knotch (like the many and I would say :swear: SUCK ! Like the many crapy castle bloods out on the net :bored: ), but there is one that stood out and brought the AOE scenerios out of the dark and into the light. That scenerio was called Archers blood, If you have played AOE like I have you must have been wondering where did it go? That is when I personally quit playing AOE online, Then I picked up a copy of SWGB because I am a huge Star Wars fan to the very end. Anyways, since troopers blood brought the scenerios of AOE out of the shadows, maybe a good troopers blood could do the same, Are Ya With Me? If you are just reply on this forum or email me at crustybooger@hotmail.com. If you are good at the triggers ( I suck at them, that is why I just don't do it myself) and have been making scenerios for awhile (and you must love Star Wars :duel: ) You can do the technical stuff, while I make the gameplay and rules.



Thankz 4 Readin!!! :monkbomb:



P.S. Only reply if you are seriously thinking of helping me and the rest of the SWGB scenrios community


:gben: "Let the Force be with you." :yodaball:









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Trooper Blood? He probably just wants votes on what troopers to use in his stupid scenario.


"I'm better than you because I can click the "create trooper" button faster than you!"


Maybe he should be playing WC3, as his Trooper Blood has similar strategic depth.

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ok sorry guys and gals, I might have rambled a bit, but I was simply trying to say that AOE2 had a cool scenerio called Archers Blood and lots of people loved it till it was forgoten. So I had the idea of bringing something kinda like it back, but in star wars style. It would be called troopers blood, and I was Wondering if anyone could help create if for me, cause triggers confuse me. I would handle the Ideas (also oppen to suggestions) and the others could do all the technical stuff like createing it. I promise to aid in what ever I can, so if this sounds interesting to you can Email me at crustybooger@hotmail.com . But only do this if you are willing to do this. Also multiple people should be working on this cause it would get done faster. ( duh!)



P.S. I should have some ideas after My winter vacation From AFA




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OK GUYS AND GALS!!! sorry to say but i was just askin a guestion and you all got technical about it and very rude, which I DON'T APPRICIATE!!! so if u don't like my idea fine then go somwhere else and critisize some one else to make u'rself feel big. cause personally i don't like any one who critisizes me and i don't want to work with you either. But if you are seriuos and didn't understand what i just said, then I appolagize for yelling.



Now IF you'll excuse me... :mad:

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First of all... your first post was confusing as all hell and made no sense.


Second of all, why not just take the time to learn the different aspects of the scenario editor and do it yourself as opposed to getting someone else to do it for you. That's being very lazy on your part. It isn't THAT difficult, just a little time consuming.

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Er... Okey-day. Mesa confused. Well, actually, not nearly as confused as some other people around here.


OK, trooper person. Several questions..... what is this archers blood thing? And what is this troopers blood thing you are proposing? I'm sure everyone would appreciate it if you explained what you were trying to do.


And you must agree that posting a poll on one thing while talking about another is a little confusing.

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Ok it has finnally come to my attention that people don't understand what I am trying to say. (i think it sounds okaybut thats just me.) first of all Arcahers blood was an old scenerio from Age Of Empires 2, it was a scenerio that gave you 42 archer and two towers and your own little fortress thing that put you against up to 8 players on an island. The object of the game was to destroy all the other oponants towers (Besides if you had an ally). And you had to get a certain amount of kills with your archers to upgrade them. And second I was proposing that I insrtuct someone with some scenerio building experince on making troopers blod that would be similar to Archers blood. Get it now? and oh i'll change the poll, I just wanted know who you all would say has the coolest looking troopers.




P.S. If you still don't understand me now, and think this sounds cool, email me and I might be able to explain it better, or even better yet if you have AIM my screen name is AlienButtProber6



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Okay, bloods are scenerios were you get an endless supply of x and who ever kills the most x wins.


He wants some one to do his triggers for him, cause he doesn't understand them. Triggers are basically cause and effect. The player has to do something (like build a building) and then you can specify what happens (like destroy that building). The best way to learn is trial and error.


And what exactly is the poll asking?

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ok this is the last thing i will post here since none of you seem to understand, and when someone does I'll quide them, besides I DIDN'T MAKE THIS TREAD TO BE CRITISIZED AND LITTLERALY MAUGHKED. and oh, what the hell is your problem pdguy? I wish you would try that in the real world, then we'll see how far you get. and frankly the people that posted replies and thought they were funny, just made an even bigger ass of them selves.







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Temper, temper! Troopr, you really need to control your outbursts. I know life can be frustrating at times, but misplacing your anger at innocent forumers serves little pupose.



Pbguy... there's no way I wasted my time reading through all of this thread's drivel. I read the first post, realized that intelligent conversations would be few and far between, and haven't read any more of it until Sith's "what was the poll" post.

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