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ROQ Cutscenes


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Originally posted by wudan

Yes, jk2mp can. It's fairly straightforward to do.


Read your ROQ tutorial that came with the JK2 Tools, it'll tell you how to do it.


Awesome. Thanks, wudan - I'll check it out! I don't know how I missed that, but hopefully it will give me the info I need...



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Hmmm... the one scenario it doesn't give is how to trigger a cutscene.


It tells you how to use it as a texture in the game, in a menu, and as a substitute raven logo, but that's it.


Are there any other resources around telling how to trigger a .ROQ file as a cutscene within a game (like the SP game)?



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Well, in theory it'll play if included in a shader. At the end of a match, instead of triggering the scoreboard, you could have it play a cutscene, but that's a whole lotta coding I haven't looked in to at all.


So, if you wanted to stop gameplay and play a cutscene, that'd probably be possible, but I haven't done it, so I couldn't tell you how.

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Originally posted by wudan

So, if you wanted to stop gameplay and play a cutscene, that'd probably be possible, but I haven't done it, so I couldn't tell you how.


Hey wudan, no problem!


I appreciate any kind of assistance, even if the answer is "I don't know," "You might be able to but it's going to be a lot of work," or flat out "No."


So thanks for getting back to me. Perhaps some of the others will have some insights on this...


This is an obstacle that I'm going to have to find a way to overcome (unless the SP code ever gets released), so when I figure it out, or if I find an answer from another source, I'll post my findings here (instead of keeping it a secret, which is lame anyway).



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Well, one thing I would try is to make a new menu and have it be a roq file as it's background, or something. The MP executeable is definitely able to run Roq, because it runs the raven and lucasfilm ROQs at the very start.


What is interesting is that ROQ tutorial, and how it says we can run ROQ when we reference a ROQ file in a shader - but ... where is an example of it being used like this?


I'd like to know because AOTCTC is going to need ROQ usage, we've got some sweeet cutscenes getting lined up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by wudan

I'd like to know because AOTCTC is going to need ROQ usage, we've got some sweeet cutscenes getting lined up.


Good suggestions, BTW...


Well since we both need to figure out how to do this, perhaps whoever finds out first can post their findings here. Then everyone can benefit from it... :D


I'll nose around and see what I can dig up.


On a slightly different topic, but related to it, is there a way to detect "zones" within a map?

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You could just do a cheap hack and play the ROQ on a surface, and then set the camera to a location above that surface, it would look like a cutscene playing full screen. Only problem is that ROQs on shaders cannot be bigger than 256x256, so it'll be low res. A way to fix this might be to use sets of ROQs next to each other, like how they use multiple TVs for one picture.

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If more than one ROQ shows up on screen at the same time, they will all stay at the first frame, so making them high-definition in this manner isn't possible.


The fixed camera over certain locale would probably work, but that sounds like a grotesquely obscene hack of a workaround.


It would be easiest just to pop a menu, or DrawPic the shader into first person view.

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