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Why even bother?


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We believe that Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema's actions are in fact hate speech. The movie is intentionally being named The Two Towers in order to capitalize on the tragedy of September 11. Clearly, you cannot deny the fact that this falls under hate speech. We believe that if they will not willingly change the name, the government should step in to stop the movie's production or to force a name change.


Yeah. Right.



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I think these people are serious, as I have heard about it on CNN and was scared.

Also, I have heard at least one person actually talk about this but they felt stupid after I pointed out the books were written roughly around WWII and published in the 50s. (despite what Tolkien may claim, LOTR is WWII. you have to be drunk and stupid while on crack to not realize that the Rohan, and the Ents combine to make 1940s America and it's chant of "Not Our War" until attacked and then get pissed).



Also, those dudes with the Oliphaunts look suspiciously Bedouin. OMG they're terrorists.

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