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I'm stuck Cairn Deck 1 room where I have to turn the lights off to get to the other side of the room. It seems I've tried every possible route to get there without being identified, but I always get caught. I've tried mind tricks and speed on either end of the room to get to the other side. Does anyone know the way?

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I have just done that bit and i had the same trouble,

what i did in the end was turn off lights jump over room and run through the double doors they will see you but if you get it right they will not sound the alarm, you must shut the first door behind you before opening the second, once you open the second door be ready to take out all the gaurds quickley so the dont sound the alarm.

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RpTheHotrod... from DSC? Hey man its me DSC-Soup. I recently quit because of school and work. Just saying hi. LOL didnt know you played JK2 too. Well anyways maybe we can hook up sometime and get some frags in. Anyways, later.

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Hey man! :D


Yeah, I love JK2:O I play it alot. I have 4 weeks left of Christmas break before heading back to Florida for college again. DOing alot of catching up! :)


Yeah, look RpTheHotrod up sometime in-game. It will show up as 0RpTheHotrod0, but that's just a code to make my name red and black.

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Solution, turn off the lights then mindtrick the officers nearest the door. Immediately turn on force speed and zip on out of there. Hint, you HAVE to enter the room via the vent near the ceiling, as entering through the obvious doorway will get you caught every time. Good luck.

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I don't exactly know which part you are talking about, but if you know where the alarm is, all you need to do is defend it, so no one can turn it on. Find it, and place a few assault sentries round it then draw your saber and defend!:p

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he he he, the first time I played the game I didn't see the elevated part where you can get in and turn off the lights so I went through the regular door. It took me about 3 hours, but in the end I nailed it without going through the elevated part and shutting the lights off...and then the next time I played it, I noticed the vent and felt stupid for wasting three hours of my life :rolleyes:

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