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Got booted from server


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I suppose that if you own a server that you can do what ever you want, but when you invite people to your home, you should show some manners.


The problem began when a weiny of impossible wimpyness got killed by me. Well, he got killed by me a lot. I was the only one on my team thrashing him and I suppose he was searching for a reason to get rid of me. The thing that pushed him over was me killing him when he had his "Chat bubble" above his head. Problem was that he was right next to one of my teams spawn in points.


Chat rules are definitely important. Many times I will let an enemy sit next to the flag out of respect. But in these cases I know the player and respect them. I play under the name Nub. I play on the =X= clan only server almost exlusively. The regulars get my respect and they deserve it. This player lost my respect by being a foul mouth complainer. His team outnumbered us most of the time and he still found reason to offend and insult.


I don't chat kill unless they are in my base. My spawn points are my base. But alas, another perspective must exist for surely he didn't boot me out of spite. Or did he? I submit to you his name and ask for your help in refreshing my view. If it so be that he is deserving of an apology.


|FK| Fallenone


He won't wait for a conversation to clear up the problem. I have officially changed my name to "FK clan killer". I play in saber only CTF so look for me mopping up the floor with foul mouth whiners.

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For CTF, sounds like you did the right thing. Some people put up their chat boxes as lures, or as shield for a sneaky trick. This is not something to be risked when the enemy is doing this in your base. Chat kill in general is a no-no under my rules (outlined in the HCC, and for that, look in the thread about a new code of conduct). He proved that he was using it for dubious purposes, or so I gather from your story, so the exception I would take to no chat-killing applied. Basically, I'm saying I would've done the same thing in your situation. HE is the one who needs to apologize. Apologize for being a whiner, that is. Now, granted, when I get my butt stomped constantly, I'll say a few nasty words, but never whine about how thus-and-such was unfair. Wipe the floor with this whiner's ass, man, he deservers some more good thrashing.


You were in the right, dude. This other guy is just a typical class A snot deserving of whatever pain you bring to him.

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Thanks Brass. Apparently I am banned and cannot enter the server. I tried just so I could commence the butt whooping. Hopefully the little guy will venture out from mommy's woom and play on another server. Then I will find him. I will take screen shots. This will be fun.

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Originally posted by Designer

Thanks Brass. Apparently I am banned and cannot enter the server. I tried just so I could commence the butt whooping. Hopefully the little guy will venture out from mommy's woom and play on another server. Then I will find him. I will take screen shots. This will be fun.


Don't hold your breath.

I called him out on the TWL forums about a week ago and he made every possible excuse know to mankind rather than simply admitting that the one time we dueled I made him look like a fool and he lacked the acorns to try it a second time.


He's an average level player who surrounded himself with players better than himself to make his shortcomings less apparent.


Don't expect any rational or intelligent thought from him either. This thread started out peaceful enough, until he went ballistic and got himself banned in this thread due to his lack of mental maturity.


Just shrug it off and play on the =X= server.

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Go **** yourself Unnamed. I never claimed to be a good one on one FF throw-pull-kick whore like yourself. Come face me on the 1v1 TWL NF ladder if you're so damn good. Get over yourself.


As for you Nub. You didn't kick ****. You had to chatkill me cause that's the only way you could kill me, PERIOD! Then when I warned you about it, you ran your snotty little mouth. I don't give two ****s if you respect me or not. It's my server, you follow the rules or you're out, plain and simple. And I wasn't even in a spawn point you little noob. I was in the middle of the freaking map, on bespin right at the start of the lower bridge. Don't come on here and feed lies to everyone and try and make yourself look like some high and mighty honorable player. STFU and STFD!


As far as me being "average" unnamed, what's this make you???



and this




hmmmm Fallen 24 - Unnamed 4....one word



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Running your mouth like an assclown and instigating me isn't either now is it. STFU and STFD.


And he wasn't in the right brass. Everything he said is a complete and total fallacy. I wasn't using the chatbox as a lure I was admining my server. He had been warned SEVERAL times for chatkilling and finally others and I had enough of it. He EARNED his kick. A nice tale he tells, but the simple fact is he couldn't kill me period, he had to chatkill. Then he comes on here to bitch and whine about getting kicked but in a tone that makes you all feel some form of pity for him and take his words as truth.


Be on our server tomorrow Nub, so I can demo me owning your pathetic noob arse and then post it for all to see how much of an idiot you really are.

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FK fallen one, just because you cant beat him, it doesent mean you can run your mouth and tell people to go **** theirselfs, and you are swearing on this forum aswell arnt you?




And those pictures, that doesent prove anything, and I might know one reason that you have that score.


Team work or chat killing

And if you say STFU and STFD or any other swearword on this forum again, I shall report you to a moderator and get you banned.


And just to intimidate you further.... Unnamed, is is possable I could join in on this little 'game' between you two?

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HAHAHAHAH Flanders STFU! Silly little saber rpg noob. Go away. Look at those screens closer genius. THEY'RE FROM A CLAN WAR!!! On the TeamWarfare ladders. Which SF tried to take our spot on the ladder. Oh and what spot is that? It's undefeated NUMBER ONE, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Silly little pathetic saber rpg'ers running their mouths when they don't know squat about the conversation. Anytime you wanna try your luck Flanders, {FK} Clan Sabers Only Dedicated Server:

Bring that british tail to our house and I'll gladly shove my saber up it. And as far as "intimidating" me goes, how old are you 12? You think you can intimidate me over the freaking internet? Here, give me your address in that dump of a country of yours and I'll send you 10 bucks to go buy a clue!


EDIT: Threatening to "Get someone banned" I'm sure goes over well with the admin's. I know on every forum I've ever participated in if someone made such an asinine statement they were the ones that got the ripping. So I'll say it, STFU and STFD!

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Unnamed is this true?


Did these guys beat you and the mighty SFs twice?


You even had the madman ( :rddance: ).


Oh well I still respect you guys.



And as for you PottyMouth, you with out a doubt, have the rudest posts in this forum.


Anybody can have a bad day, but you must be having a bad life.

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Oki, I am pretty new still to the forums... but i even think this is getting out of hand...



As Rodney King once said... "Can't We All Just Get Along?" I realize we all have our own opinions of each other, but comon, its only a game. It was put together on the the basis of it giving people some fun... so lets just do that. Have fun!


Some people are better than others, Damn I get Owned all the time, and you dont see my complaining or telling people to STFU or STFD.. besides, that pretty mean.


I know some of you feel that other ppl are verbally attacking you or demeaning you, but lets just have fun. I even started my own server cause I wanted to let ppl have a place where they can fight nuetrally.


It is EmporerCrackHead's Server... the only rules i have there are


no chat killing

(which some of you may have a problem with, but

this is FFA, not CTF, but the only clause to this is that if they have been fighting with you, and then pop up there chat bubble, kill them.. why not.. they are in the middle of a fight and start typing.... if they are just standing around, with the chat bubble up, and did not start fighting with you, let them be...)


No swearing

No Insulting

Do not attack PPL that have sabers down, but if they lame you with kicks, force, etc.. attack by all means


**so just remember.. have fun**

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