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Making a Naboo Campaign - Your chance to Beta Test the first scenario


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I don't know if this goes here, but oh well.


I am making a Naboo campaign centered on a Naboo Resistance Force group. I have finished a scenario that I would like for people to test out. Constructive criticism only please. I don't want people going "YOU SUCK!! YOUR CAMPAIGN SUCKS!!! I WILL OWNZ U ONLINE!!! I HAVE MAD SKILLS!!!!" ect.


To get the scenario, e-mail me at pvonmarensdorff@hotmail.com

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Well, a bunch of the AI's out there seem to stop comp players from resigning. You could try one of those...


Okay, now for the comments.


*It was okay. A bit of fun, but needs some more work in several areas.

*Sith is right- it needs to be tougher. I'll go into a bit more detail on this:

- The red Naboo allies (I forget their name) are pretty good. Too good. They quite easily defend themselves from Trade Federation attack, built a Fortress or two before I did, and destroyed Camp 26's command center with their fighters. Not good. Especially the Camp 26 thing.

- If you don't destroy the Camp 26 Sith Temple and take out the Camp 26 (I think it's 26) Command Center, you get a Sith Temple (which makes Jedi). I don't think it was your intention to be able to make Jedi. They do make it a bit easier.

*Why does Camp 26 have a Sith Temple in the first place? It seems pretty out-of-place, not to mention that it probably ends up making Sith. Which is bad.

*The objectives were a little unclear. You were told to destroy all Trade Federation buildings as well as the Trade Federation HQ. I misunderstood this, and went around blowing up the entire base, when you only had to kill those Coruscant buildings. I may just be stupid, but it seems a little unclear.

*The story needs some work. Have some background history (is this during Episode I, or what?), some details about the location (where you're fighting), the Trade Federation attack (why you're fighting), and so on.

*I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to start with your base being surrounded by Trade Fed. Those kinds of openings generally confuse people.

*The main Trade Federation base's walls enclose quite a lot of area, but much of it (the top corner) is completely empty. When I first saw this in-game, I thought that the red Naboo had made a raid, but apparently this is supposed to be so. Why?

*The main Trade Fed base is remarkably unprotected. Where there are normal turrets (and gates), there are no anti-air turrets... where there are anti-air turrets, there are no normal turrets. Thus, my air force punched several holes in the perimeter and were wreaking havoc over a sizable area not covered by AA turrets.

*Just as a kind of comment about the entire campaign, perhaps it would be better to have the campaign beginning with a FF mission (some Naboo prisoners escaping, or some such) and then mission 2 being this one (the Naboo prisoners find a teeny village and build a little base, and have to destroy the Trade Fed in the area).

*Also about the whole-campaign thing, perhaps there could be a particular reason for destroying the Trade Fed base- perhaps you needed to retrieve some data files, free your commander, or make the area safe as a resistance stronghold.


I may seem kinda harsh... sorry. Just doing my job. :)

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Naboo campaign...Who cares? The are rubbish, their only redeming feature is aircraft, but at the expence of ground forces. But I'm a Trade fed fan, so my opinions are probably biased.




00M-9 Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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