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Ok, i'm following Spacemonkey's tutorial on how to get a model ingame, and i also downloaded the addendum available at jediknightii.net. The problem is that the addendum says i have to delete some parts of the imported root.xsi, but i don't know which ones. Could some one give me a list of the parts that have to remain after the "deletion"?


Thanks in advance

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you need to delete everything but the bones and the tags from the root.xsi file. You can do this by hiding these items from the display tab and deleting everything that remains.


To hide the tags press H, select everything that begins with bolt_something and hide them.


To hide the bones just select the display tab and highlight bones in the selective0hide section.


you can now delete everything that remains on screen.


(I would also keep the mesh that has the name: stupidtriangle_off as you will need it in the hierarchy you can delete the secondary LOD's of this mesh though, this means the stupidtriangle_off_01, 02, 03 etc.)

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you can ask the moderators to put such a file request on the main site maybe under the utilities section (if there isn't one allready). I myself do not have the bandwidth to host a multi MB file that many people would download.


The search function works again, you can just search for the mentioned thread and *bump* it to others attention or request moderators to make it a sticky. The original poster had the file up on his personal webspace and had alink to it in his post. ;)

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