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sky positioning


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  • 2 weeks later...

oh when you apply a sky shader don't try to adjust it on the face of the brush, you don't need to. it will look tiled when you apply a sky to the brush. You don't have to specify the front back top bottom etc.; find the sky texture you want in the texture window and just apply it to all the brushes you want the sky shader on. I'm assuming you have a sky box around your map. Just apply the sky texture to all 6 sides and it will work.

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To make Life easyer I would use this code at the start or all sky box shaders


qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.jpg


Just add that to the top it will use the raident texture that says sky on your sky much easy to rember what it is...


Some ppl dont care but when you are editing a lvl the most easy things are the best

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Those werent his question, guys. He's asking which image would corrispong to a given direction on the grid. SO he has an idea of what he should see when he looks out a window. Say he's using the kejim SB, and he wants to be sure that the window he's putting in is looking at the big mountain in the skybox. Which direction (up, down, left, or right side) would be that part of the image?


I dont have an answer offhand... I'm sure it would be easy to figure out though, with alittle experimentation.

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