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Emotional Attachments (bots)


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Is there anyone here familiar with the "Emotional Attachments" setting who can help me? I've had success in altering the script so bots won't attack other bots, but ideally I'd like to create a bot in MP that won't attack human players (specifically ME), just other bots.


Boy that sounds confusing, doesn't it?


Let's say I create a server and choose Yoda as my avatar. I also add a number of Clone Trooper bots. The Clone Troopers leave Yoda (ME) alone and attack other bots such as Battle Droids.


I guess I'm trying to crudely reproduce NPC spawning in MP, if that makes sense. Oh and yes I am aware of commands such as g2animent in JediMod, but I would prefer bots that respawn.



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Emotional attachments only works for bots and until now nobody made something to make you coop with a bot in deathmatch.


Npc's won't respawn unless you do it manually, you could however make the npc's harder to kill and more skilled if you change a bit in NPC.dat in the ext_data folder

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I suppose one way around this would be via teamFFA - I know at least one mod that will eliminate those ugly floating icons & I guess I could customize the models to force the red/blue colors to go away.


My only question (forgive me if it's stupid) is can I lock teams? What I mean is, if I put Yoda and a bunch of Clones on one team, and Jango and a bunch of Battle Droids on the other, can I lock these teams so that when the match restarts the teams remain the same (Yoda and Jango won't be on the same team)?

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