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Realistic-looking terrains


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actually, i used Gensurf...i gave up on easygen... All that metashader stuff pissed me off.. lol



well, i was thinking of releasing a duel map, maybe of the outdoor area, just to release something.

Ya know, when I finsih the inside bunker, If you want ook, you can convert it to a duel map or something....

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well, its up to somone here to do this duel, FFa stuff. I have , as stated many previous times, barely enough time to make my own SP adventure....


After work tonight, i'll open up the map, get rid of the rain brushes, and whatever other single player stuff is in there, and i'll send it to anyone here who wants it, and you can do with it what you wish....

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JK2 Raident is good if you are useing that for making lvl's use it...


Dont do the MP til you are almost done bro because we dont want to take you away from making ya SP lvl and you dont need to delete the rain it looks cool but keep in mind you can select brushes then close that map and make a new map and paste em raident has a clibboard I did that with those dam control paniels that LA used because I just gave up on recreating em

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