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What's missing?

Deft Aklin

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I just thought it might be interesting to see what aliens people thought should be a part of this game. Obviously such races as Duros and Sullustan will most likely be added with the space expansion, but as far as the core game, what do you think they left out that maybe they shouldn't have? I will not taint this with any of my opinions until later in the thread.


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I guess maybe it's the just the way I have experienced RP with Ewoks in the campaign. *fade to flashback*


Tie fighters circle your YT-1300. The Captain mans the piloting controls and you man the fist gunnery turret. A tiny mass of brown fur crawls into the second gunnery chair and begins tapping the transparasteel as the Tie's pass by. Apparently the small creature actually thinks he can poke the fighters out of commission.


Anyway, I have veered way off course here, and Wraith is gonna whoop me when he sees this. Sorry boss. ;)


I guess I just never saw a reason for an Ewok to leave Endor. Could just be me though. As I said before, I respect your opinion. Thanks for the input.

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Ewoks did have it pretty easy though, lets face it. Stormtroopers are'nt exactly the most fantastic soldiers around. Plus they were out numbered and in an ambush. We all saw how they fell to their knees screaming in agony as they were pelted with pebbles, and how they were "mowed down" by paper mache hang-gliders also pelting pebbles. You would think the most feared troopers in the galaxy would be slightly tougher:trooper:

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When I first heard of the game back when I was playing everquest, I wanted to play a droid. I thought it would be awesome to actually be a droid....yes, I know the RP factor is a bit slim...but now that I know we can own them and such, I'm pleased with whatever races they decide. Hopefully E.T. could make a cameo as in the movies :)

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Originally posted by Format-Slut

Ewoks did have it pretty easy though, lets face it. Stormtroopers are'nt exactly the most fantastic soldiers around. Plus they were out numbered and in an ambush. We all saw how they fell to their knees screaming in agony as they were pelted with pebbles, and how they were "mowed down" by paper mache hang-gliders also pelting pebbles. You would think the most feared troopers in the galaxy would be slightly tougher:trooper:


I tell you, I'm going to end up starting an ST thread to get this one out there. STs are nasty for NPC soldiers. End of story. According to WEG stats, STs had 3D in most combat stats, where as 2D was considered average, 4D was best in a city, 5D best in a country, 6D best on a planet, 7D best in a system and so on and so forth. PCs should walk all over them, especially considering most have 5D or higher in these stats.

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