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WAR with Iraq (Febuary)


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Originally posted by Jedi_Monk

Ya know the ironic thing about all this? Iraq could be one of our most valuable allies in this "war on terror". Saddam Hussein hates these Muslim fundamentalists:


But we've made him our enemy because the president's approval raitings were slipping. Hussein asked permission of the US before invading Kuwait (which was slant-drilling into Iraq, violating their borders), and they got it. Hussein offered to pull out of Kuwait in order to avoid a war with the US, but Bush the First wouldn't let him. Instead, 170,000 Iraqi troops were needlessly slaughtered, including thousands massicred retreating down what's now known as the road of death.


But this would be worse... Saddam's not going to leave Baghdad, he's going to bury himself as deep as he can there. And this is no small city, this is a city of four or so thousand. And we're either going to bomb it or go street-fighting and how many civilians are going to die? You couldn't help targetting them in this kind of operation, and it would be pure ignorance to think that some, at least, wouldn't defend their homes. Attacking Iraq, and Baghdad in particular would be an inforgivable breach of international law and would change the way the US is looked at in the international community.



Wow thats very interesting. I didnt know about some of that. Where did you get this info? I know that Saddam is a real villan but did he really want to pull out of Kuwait? Did the US really give him permission to slant drill? Well I know for sure that part of the reason Bush wants to wage war is to in crease his popularity.
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i honestly dont think Bush is going to go to war with Iraq just to get more political brownie points?


i dont live in the states but i belive that the reason they are going after irag is the fact he is trying to pecure the technology to make nuclear weapons, this must be stopped.


NO matter what anyone here on this forum says, war will happen, if we like it or not! just think if we were living in iraq now!


do u think we would be allowed to post up anti bush slogans? dont think so. we would probably be taken out and shot!


and i hope u all watched the video tapes CNN played with people that defied Mr Saddam Hussian.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

You got a source for hussein giving money to suicide bomber famlilies?

You betcha. It's called "journalism, tv news, etc".



For some reason, CNN's search engine blows. This is all I could find there.

(CNN) White House's case for Iraq (includes suicide bomber money)



(Netherland News Site) Inside Suicide, Inc.


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