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Multiskin Mod


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I am working on the Sebulba model, inbredyokel and me made 6 skins for the model and now we are nearly finished. see thread here


now i got the idea that it would be a good thing to have a mod that allows to have more then the normal three skins(default, red, blue) attached to one glm file. it could be like chosing teamcolors but instade of these three there could be more skins. all it needs is some kind of convention or rule all modellers and skinner are following and a mod that makes it work.


in my sebulba model i made it this way:

model_default, model_red, model_blue, model_second, model_third, model_fourth, model_fifth and so on.


like the teamcolors every skin has its own .skin, .surf, and icon_X.jpg file.


it would be possible to have much more skins and models installed and this way the problem of max. modelnumber would be solved. skins could be organized by the model they are made on and much easier to access.


so thats my idea, what you think? is there somebody who can go into this?

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