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Respawn Time


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I've noticed that when you fall off a edge in the Style Over Substance mod, you don't respawn. I wonder if it's a bug? :confused:


Anyway; open the console and type:

g_forcerespawn #

# is the time in seconds you have to wait until you respawn; 0 is no wait.

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Originally posted by Bilbo Skywalker

Well a: It's not funny b: It's not clever.


Didn't ask you if it was funny nor if it was clever. Thanks for the etiquette lesson but I think I can manage :)


Originally posted by Break_dF

He's creative like that...


At least I'm something :)

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I know you didnt ask me for my opinion, but like you, I am entitled to give it on these boards. I dont see why you feel the need to post coments such as 'Hello, welcome to the english language'. And how you could have thought it was funny anyway is beyond me....




I await your witty reply.










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