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Multiple Characters


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Name: Jarik

Asked: Jan 6, 2003 (20:03)

Category: Players

Question Title: Can we have Multiple Characters?


Question: Will I be able to have more than one character per account?





Name: Gonk

Answered: Jan 7, 2003 (11:06)


Answer: Currently, no. The developers have stated that SWG is going to use a Single Character per Server system. (Typically called "SCS" on the forums.) This means that you would have only one character per server. If you wanted another character on the same server, you would have to



This is a BS--if it is true. I know that this is unoffical but still. I mean they get you to pay to play and then want more of your money if u want to try the game from different aspects. I am fully aware of why it is neccesary to have pay to play games but this is outrageous. Think about it, the logic behind having to pay to play is that such a big server and so much bandwidth costs a lot of money. But you can't play on 2 characters at once, so you be using the same amount of bandwidth. The only explination I can think of is that it costs money to store the characters online, but its not going to cost them that much more money. I think those bastards just want your damn money. Although this is unofficial I am upset at the very thought of handing over any more money to those greedy bastards.

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My understanding is that you will be allowed one character on each of up to ten servers. That would mean that you could have ten characters, just no more than one on each server. This makes sense, as obviously you can't play more than one at a time anyway. This way you can go to a more active server and use a different character. I don't think it's that bad of an idea myself.

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Maybe its to prevent twinking?


Cause ther will be factional pvp combat it could be like DAoC of sorts. If you have more then 1 char on 1 sever you can make a spy char to keep tabs on the other faction and let your friends know what the enemy is doing and where they are..good for setting up ambushes. Of course the way DAoC did it, you can have I think 5 char but they all have to be same faction on that server. If you want to play another faction then do it on another server.

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Originally posted by Ingrown

How many servers will there actually be when it gets released? I don't want to make a Character on a bad server also. I want to know which ones will be the most poplular.


There will be twenty servers to my understanding. Their names are at the bottom of the swgalaxies.net main forum page (hit the back button a couple times). Each server has it's own board, so you can meet some of the people that will be playing on each. They will probably pick up a month or so before release.


Originally posted by BlackDove

Well if you can delete the character and create a new one then I don't see what the big deal is.....deleting and creating is a fair trade-off.


If this is true, I haven't heard anything. I think it might get a little annoying with people that want to make Jedi's so bad. We might find this a little too common.

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I think, as I stated in an earlier post, that running SWG as an SCS is a horrible idea. One of the great pleasures of a game running MCS is that you can play multiple puppets (even "2" would be far better than SCS..) without going to another server which youre not familiar with. Being forced to change servers to explore another character type greatly limits the social benefits of staying on a single server (and I don't think that deleting the original puppet to try a new one is an accceptable option).


Additionally, as SWG is very likely to be the bigest MMORPG to date, runing it successfully as a SCS will set a precedent. Any future games will undoubtedly be made SCS, because Sony will have proven that people will still throw money at them to play.


Greedy bastards....

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Originally posted by Jared Sinn

I think, as I stated in an earlier post, that running SWG as an SCS is a horrible idea. One of the great pleasures of a game running MCS is that you can play multiple puppets (even "2" would be far better than SCS..) without going to another server which youre not familiar with. Being forced to change servers to explore another character type greatly limits the social benefits of staying on a single server (and I don't think that deleting the original puppet to try a new one is an accceptable option).


Additionally, as SWG is very likely to be the bigest MMORPG to date, runing it successfully as a SCS will set a precedent. Any future games will undoubtedly be made SCS, because Sony will have proven that people will still throw money at them to play.


Greedy bastards....


I think the SCS idea only stregthens the game. IMHO, this will force you to focus on your one character, rather than play with your puppets. This should create a better and stronger RP environment, with more in depth characters.

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I agree that it can make a person focus upon their one character. I've been thinking about SCS quite a bit, and the more I think, the more sense it can make. Sure, I'd love more than one character slot (and we might actually get that), but then again, having SCS might lead to Sony keeping the monthly fee under $20US a month. And everyone wants that..

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Hate to say it, but no matter how much i like the game, I will not pay $20US a month to play it. I have kids to feed. $10 seems fair, $15 acceptable, though I would be slightly disgruntled about it. We all know it would probably cost about $5 a person to keep admin and the servers running. Anymore than ten is just plain greed. Let's see, assume that of the 400,000 on the official SWGalaxies boards, only 200,000 actually join. Now, multiply that time 5 and that's $1,000,000 to run twenty servers. That's breaks down to $50,000 a month per server. Assume the server costs $10,000 and each admin gets $25,000 a year (I'd do it for less if I could from home) Now, the servers are already there, covered by the game selling at $60 a pop. Assume that the admin will float between the twenty servers, that makes for 480 admin floating between those servers. Assume this many are probably not needed, cut down to 240 admin, pay them thrity thousand each and pocket the extra $400,000 each month. This is all theoretical, but you get the idea. Like I said, $20 is outrageous and greedy. Obviously there are some costs the like of you and I do not think of, like the "Send GL's kids to college fund" but in all reality.........nevermind, I've babbled far too much on this already.

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Yeah I agree, anything above $15 USD a month is outrageous. ESPECIALLY if all I get for that is one character on each server.. I could go to something like DAoC which allows something like 60 or so characters across all the servers, and on top of that get some kickass PvP (RvR) stuff, as well as a good game.. but it wouldn't be Star Wars.. and then I wouldn't have a reason to post news HERE... ;)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

lol, I won't touch this subject again. :D

Last time I came off as if I were offending Jared here, and that was not my intent. ;)


But here's a nice read for you, Irulual, about Paying-per-Month: Pay to Play


Jan, I did get a chance to check out the link. Very informative. Obviously, a few things i left implied and a few left out entirely due to the long winded post I had already written. My point is, above all, it needs to be affordable as well. I realize they have to be able to atleast cover costs they are expending, but getting greedy will only cost them valuable customers. If they know, and have fully calculated, that each person will cost $8 to access the MMORPG per month, then why charge twenty? Greed. If it costs $8, then charge ten, or even fifteen, but use some of the excess profit to lower the costs of the expansions. Obviously these are theoretical number, for as the article says, they won't release these numbers for sake of competition, but do you feel I am wrong in this? The monthly charge should not be driven to make profits, but to keep the servers and in essence, the game up and running.


As a side note, the MUXs he discusses in the aforementioned article still exist, though MUSHes are commonly prefered as a better RPing environment. Such entities are still kept alive, thanks to "geeks" like me, as he so tactfully stated it. Such MUSHes and MUXs are still free and most are still either kept on college comps or peoples personal comps/servers. Links can be provided, though it is probably easier to simply search for 'MUSH Star Wars' to find the various hundreds of still running MUSHes and MUXs. This is RPing at it's finest. No pictures, no sound, fully text based. RPing was originally just a collection of words on a character sheet with a GM flinging scenarios anyway, wasn't it?

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I told Wraith I shouldn't respond to this thread cause whatever I say would prolly only offend someone again. And now I've offended the same person yet again!. :eyes3:




Anyway, I forgot to leave my comment on the monthly cost.


15$ is absolute tops that I would agree to pay. Of course not because of my own pocketbook, that's ruoghly 1 hours work for me, but I sure would like to play with others. ;)

Seriousløy, 15 is tops, they shouldn't take more than that.

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Yeah Jan I agree, as much as I look forward to this game, I would not pay $15 a month, ESPECIALLY if it stays SCS. I think that the people out there screaming about a $20USD monthly fee are just blowing steam, though. There's no way it will be $20. They would die a slow, horrible financial death if it were that high. No, I think it'll be around the DAoC level ($13 or $14?), if not slightly lower.

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