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target_remove_powerups in Multi Player MP


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I'm trying to get target_remove_powerups to work in MP maps, to remove holocrons when someone passes through a certain point.


I've searched and searched, and looked at other q3 references to this type of thing, and I've tried making a trigger brush, making it trigger_multiple, setting the target names and targets properly, and pointing it to the target_remove_powerups entity, but nothing...


I'd also love to do this to a Flag to, I've tried both but nothing is working, and I'm hoping this is possible....



Any ideas or information would be appreciated !!

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My initial guess, after loading up radient to check first and verifying my information, is that it doesnt work because that entity does not exist in JK2. Not even in SP. Maybe it's something from one of the Q3 based games, but it doesnt appear tohave been used in JK2.


*Shrug* Then again, maybe I'm blind.

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target_remove_powerups shows up in the MP list for me, unless I'm missing something.... So I was hoping it would work someway :(



Is there a detailed list on what each entity is, what it does and what to do with it? Like a list of all the spawnflags and such for them. It seems to me that all the information in radiant only scratches the surface on what these entities can do.

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Yeah, there is. In Radiant, with nothing selected (press ESC a few times), hit the 'n' key. This is the entity window, you should be familiar with it. In the entity list at the top, just select the entitiy you want to know about. The part of the window right beneath that shows the entitiy definition (if you have GtkRadiant, you may need to resize the window some to see this).

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Well I've done that, and there is no solid information about a lot of the entities, like the target_remove_powerups. None of them tell you how to trigger them, or what flags can be set. That is the information I'm looking for: How each entity works, or is meant to work.

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you may try searching ravensoft; i remember a post about powerups, I think it's an all or nothing deal. I believe you don't have to trigger it. the remove powerups will remove eveything when the player passess through it. not sure about this but worth a shot

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