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A few questions for the experts

Java the Hutt

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I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how to do a few things I've seen done while playing online.


Firstly, how to do the trick where the lightsabre floats and spins above the character's hand. Is there a code for this that I have to enter in the console, and do I have to bind it to a key?


Seondly, I have also noticed people do a 360 spin thing in the air, (and I'm talking about a fancy looking thing, not just jumping and spinning the mouse, lol).


Lastly, does anyone know how to host a game server from behind a broadband router, as when I try, nobody can seem to find it.


Thanks for any help u can provide.

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Uh, UsetheForx, wtf are you talking about...:confused:


Anyways, first of all you need to download Adminmod 2.2. Click here to download it.


Once you have it unzipped and in your Gamedata folder, create or join a game that uses Adminmod. Open the console (by pressing Shift + ~) and type "/bind x amtaunt" (without the quotations) with x being a key on the keyboard. Then type "/bind x amspin" (without the quotations) and x being a key on the keyboard (other than the key you bound amtaunt to). Close the console, then press whatever key you bound the above commands to, and everything should work out. Remember, this only works in Adminmod servers (you can do it in JediMod, Jediplus, etc. but I think its different commands). for a entire list of different commands, check out the Adminmod readme that comes with your download.

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