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Star Wars Real Time Tactics Game

Dagobahn Eagle

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Are there anyone else than me who would like it if LEC made a RTT Star Wars game?


Personally, yes.


Engine: Something like Ground Control. Special equipment and weapons, drop zones, squad movement instead of individual movement, and usage of your terrain to your advantage. No base building or resource gathering.


Example of equipment and weapons:


Rebel Commando Infantry squad:

Equipment (pick one):

MediKit: Restores some health to the squad. 3 charges.

Visual Enhancer: Increases LOS for a short time. 3 charges.

Demolition charges: Placed on the map and detonated by clicking an icon that appear in the corner of the screen. Devastating to enemy units and buildings. 3 charges.



12mm Shell: Fires a white-hot AP shell. Devastates enemy vehicles and seriously damages buildings. 1 charge.


Unit emphasis: Choose between Aggressive, Defensive, Balanced, or Recon/Speed.


Experience: Skills increase after every mission the unit survives.


Plot: One long campaign (15 missions or so) for each civ. Non-canon.


Civs: Alliance, Empire. Doesn't need to be a ton of civs as the campaigns will be long.


Rebel Alliance: Fast, lightly armored units. Their units have equipment like cloaking devices (makes unit invisible for about 40 seconds or until unit attacks) and shields (defends unit from enemy fire for a short time). Guerrilia/Hit-and-fade tactics.


Galactic Empire: Slow, heavily armored units. Their units have equipment like light deployable cannons (anti-inftantry, -vehicle, and -air cannons), demolition charges, and mines. Prefer safe, carefully planned attacks over hit-and-fade strikes.

Importance of buildings: Destroy power stations to disable the most powerful turrets of enemy bases.


Okay, I basically described a Ground Control mod, but personally, I think it sounds fun. I don't expect this thread to set off the making of such a SW game, but let's just post for the fun of it.

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It sounds like a very good game idea u are thinking of. Not quite one of my 3 dream Star Wars games*, but I may buy it if 1 or 2 of my games take priority. It wouldn't be on my list of options for SWGB2 and other such things, but it may be cool.






*The Sims with a Star Wars twist, Epic galaxy conquest game featuring all civs (exept for Naboo, Gungans and Ewoks, playable only in 1-map skirmish) in different scenarios and a Battlefield 1942 Star Wars game

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Heck...the only thing I like to see on land is Jedi. I mean yeah some land battles are pretty good like AOTC's is just so huge...but the space battles are my favorite (with the exception of AOTC and TPM...space battles sucked so bad in those two movies...) And SW Rebellion is a bit dated...especially since it was picked biggest dissapointment of the year back in what? '96? But I'd give anything to see an SW Rebellion 2 with updated graphics and more characters and all sorts of crap...and there was no page on that link...

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Unit types are Infantry, Terra/Hoverdyne, and Aerodyne.


Rebel Alliance:


Infantry: Low health and firepower. Can climb steep hills terra/hoverdynes can't get onto.

Special Infantry: Commando units (described above).


Scout Hoverdyne: Scout Bike.

Light Hoverdyne: Rebel Tank

Main Battle Hoverdyne: That heavy tank from FoCom

Heavy Hoverdyne: Juggernaut class Assault Tank


Anti-Air Hoverdyne: That AA tank from GB

Artillery Hoverdyne: The Proton Torpedo launcher from FoCom?


Scout Aerodyne: Airspeeder

Fighter Aerodyne: A-Wing

Attack Aerodyne: Y-Wing

Unique unit: Bomber Aerodyne: B-Wing


Galactic Empire


Infantry: Low health and firepower. Can climb steep hills terra/hoverdynes can't get onto.

Special Infantry: Some heavy rocket infantry, like the Templars in GC.


Scout Terradyne: Speeder bike

Light Terradyne: AT-PT.

Main Battle Terradyne: AT-ST

Heavy Terradyne: AT-AT


Artillery Terradyne: Artillery unit from GB. Won't have to deploy in this game, however.

Anti-Air Terradyne: AA unit from GB.

Unique unit: Rocket Terradyne: Some kind of proton torpedo launcher thing. Fires high-velocity homing rockets at enemy vehicles and air units, but cannot lock on to infantry.


Scout Aerodyne: TIE Scout

Fighter Aerodyne: TIE Avenger

Attack Aerodyne: Assault Gunboat


If I find a programming engine, I'll try to make this game (but I probably won't be able to :(). Maybe I should try to mod GB, but the whole community is dead and there aren't any editing sites left :(.

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Fergie, perhaps the reason the space battles sucked in AOTC was that there were none.


Why are you overly critical of the prequels? I love them. Maybe not as much as I love the original trilogy, but they are fantastic all the same. I find it hard to comprehend that a Star Wars fan would chose EU over the prequels.

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